Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,48

want me?” There is pain laced in her voice.

“Hey.” I place my index finger under her chin and lift her eyes to mine. “This shows you that I want you. I just fucking ate your pussy like a starving man. I want you, Aurora. Don’t ever think differently.”

“Then… I don’t understand.”

“I don’t either. Not really. What I do know is that he used you. He fucked you and got off, never caring about you or your needs. He belittled you and beat you down so much so that you fucking struggle to order when we go out to eat. I know that I’m madly in love with a woman who doesn’t know her self-worth. I know that I won’t stop until you do. That means that me and Rosey are going to remain close.” I wiggle my fingers, and a small smile tilts her lips.

“I want you,” she whispers.

I nod. “I know that too. But we need to give this time to grow.”

“We’ve been dating a while.”

I nod again. “We have, and we’re going to continue to date.” I lean in and kiss her slow and deep, letting her taste herself on my lips. “Now,” I say, pulling back, “let’s get you in the tub.”

She eyes the tub and then the walk-in shower. “How about a shower instead?”

“Whatever you want, beautiful.” I press my lips to her forehead before stepping away to start the shower. I make sure the water is warm before turning toward her again, only to find her standing right behind me. “You’re all set,” I say, stepping back.

“Are you not joining me?”

Not if I’m going to keep my hands and my cock off of you. “Do you want me to?” She opens her mouth to speak but quickly clamps it shut and nods. “Tell me.” I bend my knees so that we’re eye level. I keep my eyes on hers, even though her naked body is still on full display for me to feast on. “There is nothing you can’t tell me, Aurora.”

“I’ve never—” She shrugs.

Standing back to my full height, I offer her my hand. “Then we’ll shower.” My cock aches as the words pass my lips, but this is what she needs. She needs to know that I respect her and that her body is something to be cherished, not repulsed. Stepping under the hot spray, I pull her into my arms. Her naked body pressed against mine with the warm water raining down on us is intimate and erotic.

“That has to hurt,” she says again, looking up at me.

“I’ll be fine,” I assure her.

She looks down between our naked bodies and then back up at me. “Can I touch you?”

“Always. You never have to ask me. I’m yours, and only yours.” I turn so that my back hits the wall of the shower, leaving my hands at my sides and closing my eyes. This is her show, and I’m going to let her run it. I’m only so strong, and denying her isn’t something I’m capable of. I’m trying to be a gentleman to give her time, but if this is what she wants, I’m not going to stop her.

Her small hand wraps around my cock, and I take in a slow, steady breath. I force myself to think about something other than how soft her hands are and how they feel stroking me.

“I don’t know what to do?”

When I force my eyes to open, the sight before me has me reaching for the wall to hold myself up. Aurora on her knees, her hands on my cock, that’s a vision I will never for the rest of my life ever forget.


“Help me,” she says, running her thumb over the tip.

I swallow hard. “You’re doing just fine on your own, darlin’.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Right now, the only thing that could hurt me is if you stop.”


“Aurora,” I counter.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I. There is nothing that you could do that I won’t like. Go on your instinct. I promise you if your hands and mouth are on me, I’m going to enjoy it. I’m close to losing my damn mind as it is. I’m standing here thinking about fluffy puppies trying not to come.”

“Really?” She smiles.

The little minx. “Yes, really.”

“So, what if I did this?” she asks.

I’m still staring down at her, and when her tongue peeks out and licks me, I fight hard to keep my knees from buckling. “T-That works,” I say, once again resting my head back against the Copyright 2016 - 2024