Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,204

that anyone who saw us could only imagine we had a major case of the shits and were racing to the closest toilet armed with the white stuff to wipe to our hearts’ content.

I charged up to the door of Aspen Halls with Saint right on my heels, whooping my triumph to the night sky as the little victory set my body humming with satisfaction. Fuck, I loved to win. Even stupid shit like this. Didn’t matter. I still came out on top.

There were several students sitting around the picnic benches beneath large orange flood lights at the top of the hill. They’d been arranged to offer a view out over the valley which held the campus and it was one of the preferred hang out spots on site.

A group of footballers were sitting together. There were a few girls with them too and I noticed Mila Cruz eyeing me from Danny Harper’s lap, clearly still pissed about us laying claim to her old roomie. Tough shit there, sweetheart.

I couldn’t help but grin as I spotted a few of the Unspeakables sitting off to one side of the space on their own table.

“Oh look,” Kyan purred as he came to a halt beside us. “Fresh Bait.”

The kid in question definitely heard that, looking up at us from beneath his head of half shaved hair. That shit was still funny and it had been over a week. When it grew back, I planned on making Tatum shave a cock into it next.

“Is that toilet paper?” Freeloader asked, getting to her feet and looking like she might just salivate at the sight of our supplies. It didn’t surprise me that she was in desperate need of some of the white wipers, the other students would have come for her supply the moment theirs ran out.

“Bet you wish you’d had some of these supplies the night you earned your name, eh Squits?” I called, spotting the shitter amongst their little gang.

Chad McCormack and some of the other football jocks laughed along to give my ego a little top up. Not that it needed it. I had so many trophies that I didn’t know what to do with them all. I knew I was number one in everything without needing anyone to pat me on the back for it. But who didn’t like a little back patting from time to time?

“Anyone who needs some toilet paper, follow us,” Saint called, his voice laced with compassion like he was channelling his namesake.

The official story behind his name was that his mom had taken one look at his angelic little face when he was born and said that he was the only truly good thing she had in this life. And something truly good could only be a Saint. But I was willing to bet that was horse shit. More likely, she took one look into baby Saint’s evil little eyes and tried to give him a pious name to ward off the demon she could see peering back out at her from within them. It didn’t work of course. In all honesty, we were just lucky that he hadn’t self-combusted the moment he’d set foot inside The Temple and crossed onto holy ground.

The Unspeakables hesitated, glancing between each other as they sensed a trap and to be fair, Kyan’s smile was enough to say that at least one of them would be getting their ass kicked tonight.

He was always like this the night after he went to one of those fights in town. I kinda thought of it like him getting laid and having the best sex of his life and then the next night his body just craved a little more of that ecstasy, so he fed it another taste.

And I knew that feeling well enough. I’d been fighting it ever since the night I’d spent buried in Tatum Rivers. I was caught on that girl, no matter who she’d turned out to be. I just couldn’t stop picturing all the things I’d done with her body whenever she was around me and of course I craved more. I hadn’t even been with another girl since her. Hadn’t even considered it. Which was too fucking weird not to mean something. But I craved her destruction too. In payment for what her father had done. It was tearing me apart. Like there were two pieces of my soul residing inside me now instead of one, but my flesh didn’t have room to contain them both Copyright 2016 - 2024