Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,203

should be worried about that guy or not. I guessed it was a good idea to alert the guards so I brought up the school app on my phone and tapped on the security alert button, shooting them a quick message. As it sent, my shoulders relaxed.

No one could get inside this school. It was a fortress with its high walls and armed security. So why did I feel so on edge?

“Look at this masterpiece,” I said with a sigh as the three of us stood before the toilet paper throne Tatum had built alongside the stained glass window in The Temple. “Seems like such a shame to destroy it.”

“Pfft,” Saint waved a hand dismissively. “We’re not destroying shit. Six packs will be more than enough to make our point.”

Kyan had that look in his eye which promised trouble. And not just detention level trouble, he was looking for someone to lay into tonight for sure. Hospital trips would be required, therapy sessions in later life, the works. I just had to wonder who his target was, because going after Headmaster Brown seemed like the perfect way to get his ass hauled off to juvie. But as far as I knew, we weren’t going to be getting close to anyone else unless he had some other trouble planned.

“We don’t have long to fuck around here, boys,” Saint warned. “Tatum is giving us a good alibi, but only so long as we make it back to get those watches from her before she completes the circuit and reaches Monroe again.”

“Let’s hurry then,” I said, my skin tingling at the challenge. It wasn’t going to be easy to do all of this within the timeframe and I was itching to prove it could be done. It was perfect, Monroe himself would be our alibi and Tatum would back up the claim. There was no way Brown could pin anything on us.

Saint moved away to grab his set of school keys from the safe hidden in the floor while me and Kyan grabbed a couple of twenty four packs of toilet paper each from the back of the throne.

“I wish we could ram a roll of this right down Brown’s throat,” Kyan joked.

“And another up his ass. He’d be auto wiping for a month,” I added and that even earned me a laugh from Saint.

“I spoke to my mother again earlier,” Saint said as he hid the safe away again before coming over to grab two packs to carry himself. “Brown’s days here are numbered, I’ve got the board this close to moving forward with an act of no confidence vote. It seems there have been reports from hundreds of students detailing all of his failures in dealing with the Hades Virus. There was more than one account of people being stuck in uncomfortable and unsanitary places during that quarantine stretch. Danny Harper and three other members of the football team had to use a stationary cupboard to shit in for the two day period.”

“I heard they made Bait sleep in that shitty cupboard too,” I said, my lips twitching in amusement at the idea of that.

“I might have gotten a text request from a few of the footballers asking to take command of the Unspeakables during quarantine,” Saint admitted.

“Imagine what fun we could have had with a few of them if they’d been stuck with us,” Kyan joked as we headed out of The Temple and up the hill towards Aspen Halls where Headmaster Brown’s office was located.

I glanced at the others with their awkward packages of toilet paper and grinned. “Last one there has to offer to wipe Brown’s ass for him when we see him,” I challenged, my heart leaping at the idea of a race.

“Fuck that,” Kyan burst into a run and I laughed as Saint and I followed.

It was awkward as fuck to run up the steep hill while carrying the two huge multipacks of toilet paper, but I’d always been the fastest of us. Kyan chose boxing for his cardio if we weren’t on the football pitch so he was the easiest to beat. He might have been one big motherfucker, but he couldn’t chase someone down the way I could.

Saint was my competition, charging up the hill like a rhino as he gripped the packs of toilet paper beneath each arm. We looked fucking ridiculous, but I ground my teeth and made it into first place by pure force of will. I couldn’t help but think Copyright 2016 - 2024