Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,188

against him and I gasped as he ground his morning glory into me.

The wild girl in me had taken over completely last night. After winning that fight, I’d been high on adrenaline, and maybe a little high on Kyan too. He was intoxicating to be around and perhaps that was why I’d let him touch me. He was danger and temptation personified. And I’d be kidding myself if I said I’d only done it to try and get closer to him. Last night had been real, every second of it. And it scared me how much I’d wanted him. How much I wanted him now too…

My eyes trailed over his body and I blinked hard, cursing myself for being so easily led astray by his looks. But deep down, I knew it was more than that. Kyan’s soul mirrored mine in ways that called to me on a primal level. He brought out a craziness in me that made me feel so alive. And it was impossible to ignore. But I had to be careful. Because he also made my heart feel exposed, like he could curl his fingers around it and hook it out of my chest if the notion took him. And I could never let that happen.

Saint’s classical music reached me from his bedroom and I swore; I needed to be out by the crypt.

I tried to wriggle free from Kyan but he held on tighter, throwing his huge leg over me then nuzzling his whole face into my breasts through the T-shirt he’d given me to sleep in. He was still freaking asleep.

“Kyan,” I hissed. Nothing. He was snoozing soundly between my boobs. And I didn’t wanna hit him in case he went psycho on me like the last time I’d woken him.

Footsteps pounded down the hallway and my heart pounded in time with them.

“Get up.” I tried to wriggle free, but I swear he weighed as much as a damn rhino.

The door flew open and hit the wall with a bang as Saint stormed in.

Kyan jerked awake, looking down at me in a moment of confusion before Saint shoved him off of me.

Saint grabbed a fistful of my hair and I screamed as he yanked me out of the bed, his eyes two circles of hell, and I reckoned the other seven were awaiting me beyond that door.

“You think you’re so fucking funny, Kyan,” Saint snarled, dragging me out into the hallway while I tried to make him let go. I knew I was holding back. I could use my kickboxing skills, but part of me knew that if I flipped on him this was going to be much worse for me. And I despised him even more for that fact. How he made me weak through his power games.

Saint shoved me against the wall in the hallway and my breathing hitched as he released my hair and grabbed my throat instead.

“Did you fuck him?” he demanded, unblinking like he was trying to pull the answer from my flesh.

My heart hammered against my chest as I clamped my lips shut in a potentially foolish act of rebellion. His gaze trailed to my neck where Kyan had given me a hicky and my heart leapt in fright at the fury in his eyes. Saint needed everything to be perfect at all times and it was pretty obvious that finding me in Kyan’s bed, wearing his shirt with marks on my skin proving he’d had his mouth on me was pretty far beyond his tolerance zone.

He shoved me along the corridor and I stumbled away, turning back to face him with my hands raised. He strode toward me with intention in his posture and I retreated in alarm, unsure what he was going to do in that moment. Kyan’s arm suddenly locked around his shoulders, yanking him back a step.

“It’s just a joke, man. Chill out,” Kyan laughed.

Saint threw him off with a fierce strength, rounding on his friend as my breaths came frantically.

Blake stepped out of the door to my left, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and frowning in confusion.

“This is not a fucking joke.” Saint shoved his palms into Kyan’s chest and all of the light extinguished from Kyan’s eyes. “You took her outside the school. She could have escaped!” he bellowed, sending a tremor right down to my toes.

Kyan squared up to him, a flare of danger in his eyes which equalled Saint’s. “You wanna fight me, asshole? She’s mine as much Copyright 2016 - 2024