Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,187

hear Saint cursing from beyond my bedroom door and I sniggered as I pushed the window closed behind us and pressed a finger to my lips.

Tatum smiled as she stayed silent and I quickly locked my door before heading into the bathroom.

“You wanna sleep in a real bed tonight, baby?” I offered in a low voice as I grabbed her bag from the bath tub and tossed it into my room.

“I’m not fucking you, Kyan,” she breathed, giving me a look that said she’d happily use me to get herself off, but I wasn’t gonna be that lucky any time soon.

“I know,” I smirked at her. “It’s just an innocent bed between owner and pet. I can even finger you again if you think you can stay quiet this time?”

“No chance,” she hissed.

“Yeah you’re right, you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from screaming my name like that again.”

She glared at me as I brushed my teeth before stripping out of my bloodstained tank and dropping it to the floor. I wiped the rest of the blood off with a washcloth and offered it to her next.

She accepted it and quickly started cleaning her skin as I ducked back into my room. I stripped out of everything but my boxers, pulled my hair from its tie and got into bed.

Tatum appeared a moment later, clearly deciding that a night in my bed beat that fucking bath any day and she pushed the bathroom door closed behind her, plunging us into darkness.

“You can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in,” I offered, pointing at my closet.

She headed over to it and I watched her in the dim moonlight which filtered through my window as she stripped out of everything but her underwear and pulled my T-shirt on. It fell to her mid thigh and looked stupidly good on her as she moved closer and slipped into my bed.

“You’re not going to stab me in the night are you?” she hissed and I dutifully pulled the hunting knife out from under my pillow before tossing it on my nightstand.

“Not with a knife anyway,” I teased.

Her gaze dropped to my dick which was still hard as stone beneath my boxers and it twitched at the attention.

“You wanna spoon with me?” I offered, wondering if I could get away with having that ass pressed up against me all night.

“Not a chance in hell,” she growled and I sighed before flipping the covers over us.

“Goodnight then, baby.”

She didn’t reply and I sat there for a long time as I waited for her to fall asleep before shifting across the mattress and holding my phone up to take a selfie of the two of us in my bed.

I quickly wrote out a message for the group chat, including a bunch of pictures from tonight to show the others where we’d been and then set it up to send at six am just as Saint woke up.

I laughed to myself as I let my eyes fall shut and settled down on the pillows.

When Saint saw that shit he was going to flip the fuck out. And I really couldn’t wait to see what he did when that happened.

The heat of a warm body called to me and I shifted towards it in my dreamy state. I hadn’t slept this well since…I couldn’t even remember when. My fingers brushed hard flesh and my thigh grazed his as I sought out more warmth. His hand slid around me, yanking me closer by the ass and my eyes flew open, reality giving me whiplash as I gazed at the Night Keeper I was entangled with.

He was still fast asleep, his face just an inch from mine and though I was about to remove myself from his hold, I was suddenly captivated by being able to look at him like this while he was so still. His features were rugged and dark and the usually harsh set of them were softened in sleep. I didn’t want to admit it, but last night had been the most fun I’d had in years. And I was pretty sure I’d never felt so wildly free. Which was ironic considering I was just his captured little bird with clipped wings. This definitely beats sleeping in the bath though…

“I’m gonna use the pitchfork,” he murmured in his sleep. “Gonna stab you like a garden bed and plant an oak tree in your gut.”

I released a laugh and Kyan’s grip on me tightened, dragging me firmly Copyright 2016 - 2024