Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,168

to look at me like I was his breakfast instead of the pancakes. I was half tempted to grab a bottle of syrup and squeeze it all over me in case he’d really mistaken me for his food. Except the moment I ever let Blake Bowman get his hands on me again would be the same day the trees grew from the sky and the lake turned pink.

“What’s with the nice clothes, Saint?” Blake growled. “Our Cinderella should be in rags.”

Saint tsked. “I wouldn’t let the rats in the catacombs show up without their best attire, Blake. Do you really think I’d let Plague look anything but perfect?”

“Maybe it shouldn’t be up to you,” I said to Saint, watching from the corner of my eye as Blake’s hands curled into fists.

“Yeah,” Blake growled, fixing Saint in his sights. “Maybe it shouldn’t.”

“If you want to dress her like a gutter whore when I’m not around, be my guest,” Saint said with a shrug. “But whenever she’s within my range of sight, she will look like a fucking queen. Besides, the way you keep looking at her says you appreciate it just fine. So stop with the complaints.”

Blake slammed his hand down on the table with a snarl, making my heart leap in my chest. “I’m looking at her like what she is: the spawn of the devil.”

“Do you always lust over the devil’s spawn?” I asked airily. “Only that means you must get hard for Saint all the time.”

“Shut your smart mouth,” Blake snapped as Saint eyed me like he was about to step in too. But he sat back as Blake closed in on me, letting him deal with me. And from the look in Blake’s dark green eyes, that was the more frightening option right then.

He stepped past me, moving to the refrigerator and ripping open the freezer compartment. I watched him with my heart pounding out of rhythm, the tension in his body sending a flicker of fear through me. He took out a bag of ice, planting it on the counter before beckoning me closer and kicking the freezer door shut.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I approached and he ripped the bag open, tipping the whole lot into the sink so it was half full of ice. Blake caught my arm, yanking me close and placing me in front of it. He stood behind me, gripping my wrists and walking me forward with his crotch pressing to my ass. I clenched my jaw as he shoved my hands deep into the ice and I flinched at the bite of cold. He released his grip on me, resting his hands either side of the sink as his body crushed me in place.

The ice burned against my skin and I shut my eyes, falling into that deep space of calm inside me. I’d faced a thousand hardships in my training. Dad had made me dive into a freezing lake every time we took a trip to Alaska. This was nothing compared to that. I could still feel the kiss of pain that licked over my skin and the rush of goosebumps fleeing up my arms and making my nipples harden. But this torture wasn’t the worst I’d faced.

“How does it feel, Cinders?” Blake purred in my ear.

“It feels…long and hard and throbbing,” I said, fighting a smirk.

“What?” he snapped.

“Oh sorry, I thought you meant your cock,” I said innocently.

Blake yanked my hands out of the ice and I gasped as he grabbed a handful of it from the sink, yanked up my nightdress and shoved it into my panties. I yelped in alarm, slamming my shoulders back against him as I tried to escape the cage of his body. Saint was laughing and the sound made my skin prickle all over. I reached frantically between my legs to get rid of it, but Blake caught my wrists to stop me and I groaned in discomfort as the ice pressed against my sensitive flesh.

“You’re the one who needs to cool down, Cinders,” he growled in my ear. “And if you lie about me again, I’ll put you in an entire bath tub of ice. Naked.”

I bit my tongue on a comeback, the swell of his dick against my ass so obvious it was a joke. But I did not wanna be stripped down and forced into a freezing bath.

“Are we clear?” Blake snarled and I nodded in agreement.

The ice started to melt, dripping down the insides of Copyright 2016 - 2024