Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,167

just make me cook it all over again, dammit.

I opted for muesli with fresh fruit and yoghurt myself. Saint didn’t let me have anything fried, too sugary or too tasty. The muesli was something I’d found that not only helped with my sugar cravings, but actually tasted good. So I guessed that was a win. But if you looked really closely at it, it was definitely a fail. My usual breakfasts consisted of toast with jam and at the weekends I’d always have waffles, ice cream and strawberries with my dad and Jess. It had been our Saturday morning tradition since before I could remember. And that memory stung me now with the keenness of an angry wasp.

Just before eight am Saint’s music cut off and he reappeared in a fitted white T-shirt and dark, designer jeans, a chunky Rolex on his wrist and a pair of AllSaints army boots which looked ripe for kicking heads in. If Saint looked divine in his school uniform, he looked transcendent like this. He wore casual clothes like they were the finest tuxedo in the world. And the way his muscles bulged against them made me one jealous ass bitch of that shirt. Down girl. Sometimes it felt like that wild part of me was growing bigger, taking over. But I had to keep her locked up tight. Because if she ever got free, she was gonna lead me right into one of their beds, naked, panting and aiming to please.

Saint sat in the middle seat as usual, picking up his knife and fork, just as I placed his plate in front of him. Eight am sharp. I was more punctual than a freaking Stepford wife.

Saint took a bite of his meal and I waited. If the toast wasn’t perfect – golden brown but not overdone Barbie doll!– or the eggs weren’t salty enough or the avocado wasn’t the epitome of ripe, then I was gonna have to do it again. So far, I’d only had one day where I’d fucked it up. And that had been the avocado’s fault.

I’d tried to explain to Saint that if he expected to get perfect avocados through the rest of this pandemic, he was going to be seriously disappointed. Even as it was, I was limited to the stash we had. Half of them were on the turn already and the rest weren’t ripe enough. The avocado was a fickle mistress that was going to cause me a lot of unnecessary spanks if Saint didn’t learn that it was out of my control. But then that concept was obviously unknown to him. In the past, I’m sure he would have had people to walk miles and miles barefooted on broken glass just to get him a perfectly ripe avocado for his breakfast. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to suck up the spanking like a bad girl…

Saint nodded to approve his breakfast. Damn.

I headed to the kitchen to fetch my own, definitely not disappointed and definitely definitely not considering knocking some shit on the floor to earn myself a spanking.

Blake appeared with a broad yawn, shirtless and drawing all of my attention to his huge chest for a long second. I headed to the oven, grabbing out his plate of pancakes and wondering how my life had come to this. I’d never imagined myself as a house wife, not that I had any disrespect for that life path. Each to their own and all. But I’d never even seen myself getting married. My mom had ditched out on my dad when I was so young that I hadn’t even realised most kids had two parents until I’d joined elementary school. And I’d moved around so much that I’d rarely gotten to know any of my friends’ parents.

Between Dad and the nannies, that was what seemed normal to me. And why would I choose to be with someone who could up and walk out the second things got too hard? No, in one sense, me and Saint agreed. I knew the people in this world who were always going to be there for me. And I never intended to add any more people into that small circle. Very small circle.

Blake’s eyes slid down my little white nightdress and he licked his lips, though I wasn’t sure he was aware he was doing it. The action reminded me of his tongue between my thighs and I battled the heat snaking up into my cheeks as he continued Copyright 2016 - 2024