Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,78

hours are long past over, but since this is a private room, we’re making an exception to the rules.”

Bekki whispered in reply, “The police will want to talk to him as soon as possible.”

The nurse snorted. “They can wait until morning. He needs his rest, and you need a moment to be here with him and know that he’s actually going to be all right.”

Bekki’s shaking hand brushed her hair from her eyes. “How did you know that?”

“I’ve worked this unit for too many years not to recognize that hopeful fear in your eyes.”

“Is it that obvious?” Her laugh sounded fragile and tight even to her own ears.

“Love is a wonderful thing, honey. It will get you both through tonight and the next couple days.”

Bekki’s eyes snapped toward Killian. His eyes focused on her. She stared at him as she answered. “I do love him. It’s new, we’re new, but the feelings I have for him are unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”

He smiled and blinked once and then again before his eyelids fluttered closed. The nurse tapped away at the computer on the adjustable stand beside his bed. She finished and turned, smiling at Bekki. “Well, I wish you well, then. He’ll probably sleep until morning if you want to go home and get some sleep.”

Bekki shook her head. “I couldn’t sleep, not yet.”

“I understand, but be warned: sooner or later, all that adrenaline pumping through your veins is going to run out and you’ll be ready to crash.” She smiled and pulled open the door, letting it close behind her. Bekki closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. In the silence of the dim light, she smiled. She could hear Killian breathing; the sound did more to calm her nerves than anything the doctors or nurses had said. She set the plastic bag on the floor and fished her phone out of her purse. She’d text her mom and let them know that they were in a room. The nurse was right. Killian needed to rest. The questions could wait for a few hours.

Chapter 18

Killian made the mistake of trying to stretch. His breath caught in his throat and he bit off the cuss word that wanted to spew out in a loud, concise manner.

He opened his eyes and blinked the room into focus. His eyes darted over to where Bekki had been sitting last night. She was turned sideways in the small chair and scrunched up in an awkward position. Her head rested against the corner of the two walls. Damn, she was going to have a serious kink in her neck. There was no way he’d have been able to sleep in that position.

The nurses had been in several times during the night, taking his vitals. Every time they jostled him out of a fitful sleep, he sought out Bekki. She’d been there. Exhausted, but there. He remembered what she’d said to the nurse last night and he agreed. The feelings they shared were intense and unlike anything he’d ever known. He did love her, and yes, she was right, it was early and new, but she was the sun in his life. She filled him with warmth, with life, and the ability to see things past the life he’d been living. A future with Bekki in it felt right, complete.

A nurse came in. She glanced over at Bekki and winced. She hit the button on the blood pressure machine and over the pump of air into the cuff she nodded toward Bekki. “She wouldn’t leave. You have a keeper there.”

Killian pulled his tongue from the roof of his mouth and tried to speak but ended up nodding.

“Here.” She handed him a cup with a straw in it. He downed almost the entire cup before he dropped his head back to the pillow.

“Thank you.”

“No problem.” She tapped on the computer for a moment. “The doctor will be in shortly and then we’re going to let the police come get a statement from you. There is an insistent team of detectives out there, Detectives Couch and King.”

“That would be my sister-in-law,” Bekki spoke as she unfolded from the contorted position she’d fallen into. “Oh, dang.” She rolled her shoulders as she stood. The nurse chuckled and headed out of the room. Bekki’s eyes darted to him. “How are you feeling this morning?” He lifted his hand and she grabbed it.

“Like I was shot yesterday?” He tried for levity, but her expression went straight Copyright 2016 - 2024