Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,93

down his cock, and her fingers teased the soft sacks beneath it. That was all it took for him to come undone. He grunted, pulsing when his shaft hit the back of her throat. His fingers tightened on her hair, the salty taste of him filling her mouth.

Slowly, he pulled out of her and she swallowed down his seed.

He lowered himself to the ground before her, his cheeks flushed, his eyes sparking with wild need. Even after that, he wanted more of her.

“Your turn,” he growled, flipping her onto her back. She landed on the soft grass and gasped when he dragged his tongue across her breast. Her nipples hardened, her back arching toward him.

He palmed the apex between her thighs, and everything within her clenched tight. She gasped, digging her fingernails into the dirt. Lorcan’s tongue slid down the length of her, past her bellybutton, and right to the edge of her core. His grip on her tightened, his tongue spiralling closer and closer and—

“Please,” she gasped, barely able to think around the need shuddering through her body. “Taste me.”

“Is that a command or a request?” he murmured, nipping at her skin. Sparks lit her eyes. She arched closer to him, but his mouth danced away. She pushed herself against his palm, relishing in the pressure of it.

“Both,” she breathed. “I need you to lick me or I’m going to come undone.”

He chuckled, pressing harder. His skin brushed her clit, and pleasure shuddered through her. “That’s the idea.”

The pressure vanished. And then his head dropped between her spread thighs. His tongue swept across the tension in her core, soft and wet and achingly good. A storm of sensations plowed over her. A heady moan escaped her throat, desperate desire driving her toward the cliff.

His mouth moved against her core, tasting her fully. His tongue dove between the folds, and shockwaves of pleasure pounded through her body like thunder. She reached down and tangled his hair in her fingers.

The pressure deepened. Wetness coated his lips. She looked down at him to find him staring right back at her, hunger flashing in his midnight eyes. Something about the look on his face drove her pleasure to newfound heights. She clung on to him, angling her hips toward him.

Instinctively, her body began to shift against him, riding his mouth even after he continued to drag his tongue across her clit. A wild need tore through her. All that existed in the world was Lorcan’s tongue, his mouth, that sweet, sweet ache building to an excruciating climax.

She couldn’t take much more of this.

Lorcan’s hands gripped her hips. His fingers dug into her skin, and the pressure of it threw her off the cliff. Reyna shattered. The world exploded all around her. Her body shook as great, violent tremors tore through her. Her ears rang from the force of it, and her chest shook as her lungs struggled to find air.

The tremors slowed. An electric lightness buzzed across her bare skin. Shadows whispered in her hair. She sagged against the ground, pressing her fingers to her racing heart.

“Wow,” was all she could whisper.

Lorcan edged up her body and braced his palms against the ground on either side of her head. The smile on his face had never been more smug. “I think I’ll have to do that more often.”

“Yes, please.” She wrapped her hands around his neck and shot him a drunkard’s smile, ignoring the incessant reminder in the back of her head. She didn’t have much longer in this world. But that didn’t matter right now. “Maybe in a few minutes.”

He chuckled, leaning down to caress her ear with his warm lips. “Which do you love more? My tongue or my cock?”

Reyna couldn’t help the smile that lifted her lips—and her heart. “I think I’m going to need to test both to give you an accurate answer. ”

Fire flickered in his eyes. “Oh, of course.”

“I hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight.” She spread her thighs, feeling a thrill at the hardness of him already.

His cock speared her. A soft moan escaped through her parted lips.

“You are mine,” he growled, shuddering as she clenched around him. He thrusted deep within her, and rivers of pleasure washed over her. She gasped, arching and fitting the pieces of herself around him.

And their bodies came together as one as they danced beneath the cloud-soaked skies.



After they dressed, they stumbled back to the castle and climbed into Lorcan’s oversized bed. Reyna laughed at the idea they’d even Copyright 2016 - 2024