Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,92

mind, dragging her under with its vicious words.

“You don’t know what it’s like,” she whispered, tears falling onto her cheeks. “It says things about me. It knows my weaknesses. It knows what makes me hurt. The things it has told me about myself…”

Lorcan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. She nestled her head against his leather armor, breathing in the steady scent of him. “You have to let it go, Reyna. You have to release it.”

“I can’t. It would kill everyone.”

“We’ll find a way to stop it. We’ll find a way to destroy it for good.”

She let out a bitter laugh. “How? Seelie’s powers didn’t destroy it. What’s more powerful than the magic of a god?”

“I don’t know, but we will figure it out,” he said, his voice firm and unyielding. “Nollaig thinks there might be answers in Findius. We will march on the city, kill that damn king, and then find a way to save you.” He tucked his finger beneath her chin and forced her gaze to meet his eyes. “I swear it, Reyna. I will do whatever it takes to keep you alive. I lost you once. I’m not losing you again.”

She clung on to him like a rock in the middle of a wave-tossed sea. “What about my deal with Seelie?”

“Fuck the deal,” he growled, a sound that pebbled her skin with goosebumps. “If he didn’t give you enough power to sustain you indefinitely, then the deal is moot in my eyes.”

She melted against him, losing herself in the strength of his words. She knew it wouldn’t be as easy as that. Just because he wanted to save her didn’t mean he could. But for a moment, a snapshot in time, she wanted to believe in the dream of it all. She wanted to forget about the Ruin, the wood king, all of it. In the morning, they would part. And then the war would come.

For now, they had each other.

Lorcan’s mouth found hers. His kiss was hungry and electric, and she curled herself against him, linking her arms around his neck. She shuddered as he trailed his lips down her jaw. Each kiss was hungrier than the last.

“Being outside seems to excite you,” he murmured against her skin before pulling back to gaze into her eyes with a fierce heat. He shot her a wicked smile, one steeped in a need as great as hers. “Do you have something against beds?”

Reyna flushed. “I’ve never been a fan of stuffy castles. Give me fresh air, a bed of snow, and some stars.”

“I can only give you one of those things, I’m afraid.” He slid his hand down her side, cupping the curve of her hip. “And I might never be able to give you snow.”

She knew what he meant. He was the High King of the Shadow Court. If she stayed by his side, and she would, the north was not in her future. Her icy home would remain as far away from her as it did now. But she could not help but think of the storm raging inside of her. The reason she’d never see her homeland had nothing to do with Lorcan. It was because she’d never make it there alive.

The Ruin would destroy her first.

Desperation twisted around her heart. She palmed Lorcan’s armor, leaning into him. “I want you. Not the snow. Or the stars. All I want is you.”

Lorcan fumbled with her garments, pulling the soft material over her head. She snatched at his armor and desperately threw them aside so that she could feel his skin beneath her hands. Their bodies clashed together with a feverish hunger. Her lips teased the hard planes of his stomach. She ran her fingers along his smooth skin, relishing in every inch of him.

She lowered herself to her knees before him and took his shaft in her mouth. Lorcan let out a guttural moan, shuddering as she slid her mouth up the length of him. His hardness pulsed against her tongue, so thick that she could barely fit him inside her.

“Reyna,” he groaned out.

The sound of her name on his tongue tightened her core. Her own need clenched between her thighs, but she wanted to give to him what he’d given to her so many times before. She took him deeply into her mouth once more, flicking her tongue along his head.

“Oh my gods.” He growled, fisting her hair in his hand.

Electric need drove her forward. Her lips slid Copyright 2016 - 2024