Kansas (Ruthless Kings MC Atlantic City #2) - K.L. Savage Page 0,73

made her a part of the family yet. I want her last name to be mine. I want her to be my ol’ lady, but I’ve been dragging my ass, once again waiting for the right time.

And I might have been waiting to see if I’d end up like my dad. It’s been one of my worst fears. I thought our blood was bad and eventually, I’d get the urge to ruin something good, but I haven’t. I won’t.

There’s no way in hell I’d ever do that to Violet. If there was a choice, either cheat or have Prez blow me up with one of his grenades, I’d choose death every time.

The truck doesn’t even come to a stop outside the Emergency Room before I’m opening the door and jumping out. I don’t even bother shutting the door, I run toward the entrance, slipping on ice that hasn’t turned to slush yet. The automatic doors take forever to open, and when the space is big enough for me to fit through, I slide in.

Again, I slip against the floor and notice the floor is wet with dirty water from the outside. Yeah, that’s real safe. There isn’t even a yellow sign on the floor warning people that it’s wet. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I take a big step to the left and wipe my boots across the carpet to dry them off before flying down the white tile floor. I skid to a stop in front of the front desk and slam my hands on the counter in front of a lady that seems less than thrilled to see me. She has dyed black hair and wrinkles around her lips. For some reason, she reminds me of someone who smokes ten packs a day.

“I’ll be with you in a moment,” she croaks.

Yeah, she’s differently a smoker.

She’s typing away on her computer, and I clench my jaw together. No, I will not wait a fucking moment. “Listen, lady. I’m a member of the Ruthless Kings MC of Atlantic City, and a group of us is about to walk through that door. I want an update by the time they walk in, do you understand me?” It isn’t often I use my club as ammo, but this is an emergency.

She gulps and gives me her undivided attention. “What can I help you with?” Her long red nails clink against each other as she looks at me.

“My fiancée, her name is Violet Winston. She was in a car accident with her two sisters. They are here. How is she? How are they? Can you tell me anything?”

“Give me a minute to look up her information, okay?”

“Sure, sure. Please, just anything. I’m going out of my mind. She’s everything to me. I can’t… nothing can happen to her. Please,” my voice breaks next when those damn emotions strangle my throat.

Her nails peck at the keyboard, and she finally starts to nod. “Okay, all three of them are in surgery. It’s going to be a while. You might want to get comfortable.”

“Surgery? Why? Why does she need surgery? Why do they? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, sweetie. I’ll have the doctor come give an update, okay? I promise,” she tells me.

Yeah, that doesn’t make me feel any better. I cup my hands over my face, tilt my head back and groan. How do people do this without going insane?

I find a worn seat and sit down.

No, I can’t sit.

I stand.

Then I sit again.

And then I stand.

Fuck. How much time has passed? I glance at my watch, and I want to kill someone when I see only three minutes have gone by. Come on, what am I supposed to do?

This time when I sit, I stay there. I place my elbows on my knees and drop my head, trying to remember to breathe. My legs continue to shake, and the noises around me start to grind on my nerves. Someone coughs and it’s wet and loud. A kid cries in the corner, splitting my eardrums. A woman is arguing with what sounds like her insurance company. A man four seats down from me is asleep and snoring like an oncoming train.

I cover my ears to block the noise out, and a hand lands on my shoulder. Lifting my head, I see Prez standing there. Scarlett takes a seat next to me and takes my hand again, her eyes showing sympathy and sadness.

“Any update?” he asks, taking to seat to the right of me.

I shake my head.

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