Kansas (Ruthless Kings MC Atlantic City #2) - K.L. Savage Page 0,47

Was anything else said? I mean, what’s happening with the drugs?” she says a little too loudly for my liking, and a few people turn their heads and give us odd looks.

I snag ahold of her elbow and drag her to the edge of the woods. “You’ve got to be careful with what you say around here. We don’t want this community not trusting us. We are still forming bonds with them. The old chapter took advantage of them, and the fact that we can even show our faces in public without getting killed…”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. It won’t happen again.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t tell you, so that’s my fault.” I run a hand through my cropped hair and stare up to the sky. “But apparently, your dad was the biggest, most well-known coke dealer on the east coast.”

“Oh my god.” She sways on her feet. “I need to sit down.”

I take her hand and bring her to a nearby bench that has a fire pit in front of it, so we are warm. “That’s not the worst.”

“Of course it isn’t.” Violet picks at the edge of the napkin.

“The man the drugs belong to. Prez put feelers out and there is a man named Lorcan O’Crowely looking for the exact same amount of cocaine that we found in your Dad’s boat.”

Her eyes are glassy when worry, panic, and fear hit her all at once. “Who is that? Can’t we just give him the drugs and be done with it?” she looks hopeful.

“He is an Irish mobster. He runs New York City. They call him The Irish Crow. He was in business with our previous Prez. He isn’t the kind of guy that is understanding. He will want some form of payment for his delivery being late.”

“So me and my sisters are at risk?”

“I’m afraid so. Until we know what to do with O’Crowely, your best bet is to stay with us, and selfishly, I’m happy about that. Selflessly, I’m sorry you can’t go home.”

“Home is about what’s there. There’s nothing there for us there anymore. It’s time to build a life and a home elsewhere.” She stands up and takes a step closer to the fire.

The flames dance over her face, showing the expressions as she comes to terms with what I said. She’ll be safe here with me, and I hope this is the place she decides to stay.

I think the home we could build together would be extraordinary.

Dreaming about it makes me want it more.

And there’s that voice in the back of my head that mocks what I want.

What if this life isn’t enough and I need another just like my Pops did?

The drive back to the clubhouse is a silent one. It isn’t uncomfortable or awkward, but safe and secure. I feel bad for not carrying on a conversation. I just have too much on my mind. The bomb that Amos dropped is a big one and it’s still settling. It’s not exactly easy to come to terms with the fact that an angry Irishmen that controls an entire city is after you and your family.

Amos puts the truck into park outside of the clubhouse, and the black building almost blends in with the night, which makes it difficult to see.

“You know I’m not going to let anything happen to you and your sisters, right? I’m going to protect you.”

“How? I’m not going to let you put your life at risk for me. We aren’t your responsibility. I’m who my sisters have now. It’s up to me to protect them.”

“And you are by choosing to stay here with us. If you leave, there is no telling what can happen if he finds you. You have to stay.”

“But if we stay, your club could get hurt. I don’t want that,” I explain, turning in the passenger seat so I face him. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I’d rather take the chance than have you out there on your own. Don’t be stubborn.”

“Me?” I fake being insulted and open the door to get out. “I am far from stubborn.”

“You better shut that door. I’m not done being a gentleman. Go on,” he says, jutting his chin out toward the door. “Close it.”

I huff out a breath and shut it again, blocking out the cold.

He gets out and walks around the front of the truck. Again, I’m watching him powerwalk through the built-up pile of snow, and he swipes a chunk of snow off the hood before

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