Just One Song - By Stacey Lynn Page 0,93

five seconds away from freaking out and having one of your adorably crazy emotional breakdowns…but don’t. If anything, I know you’ve learned over the last year that nothing is a guarantee, and while we have the time, I just want to make the most of it. Just tell me you’ll think about it.”

I nod, because there isn’t another option. “I’ll think about it,” I whisper.

“Great. Now, let’s go play.” He stands up like we’ve solved all the world’s problems in the blink of an eye and is ready to party.

“I don’t want to.”

“Just for fun, I promise. No pressure. But since you’re here, let’s just go play and make some music with our friends.”

“Fine.” I can do that, no problem. Playing with friends; it’s what I did for years.

We play for hours. A few new songs, mostly old ones I’m familiar with. By the time we’re done, my hands are cramped from so much playing. I don’t want to admit I’m having fun, and I certainly won’t to them, but the whole afternoon is incredible. I catch myself laughing thinking about how Mia would have acted at this scenario just a few months ago…me playing with the rock-god she had sitting on her nightstand. The thought makes me snort more than once during a song. Luckily the music is loud and no one notices. We leave the room when we’re done and I see Aaron sitting on one of the couches.

“Well, well…looks like we have our new keyboardist.”

I smile as friendly as I can. He, after all, missed all the drama earlier. Lucky guy. “Nope. Just having fun, today, that’s all.”

“So you admit you had fun,” Zack says as he enters the room with us and looks to Aaron. “She’s perfect, right?”

“Absolutely. The heat between you two will have the fans melting in their seats.”

“See….told you.”

“Shut up, Garrett!”

He holds up his hands in defense. “I’m just saying.”

“I’m not joining the band. You have to know a dozen players, or more, better than me.”

Aaron replies, “Yeah, but none have the heat or chemistry you would add. Just think about it, Nicole. This is a chance of a lifetime.”

I nod, again, simply to end the conversation. I would have thought out of everyone, Aaron would be the most sensible.


I don’t want to get out of bed. It’s warm and next to me, sleeping, is the man who showed up in my life when least expected and turned everything upside down. I look at him sleeping next to me, so peaceful and calm, and hot.

Dang, he is so sexy.

And he loves me. It’s almost too much to take in. I gently brush some of his dark blonde hair out of his eyes and move closer. He asked me to move in with him. And I want it, badly. And the thought terrifies me. We dropped the conversation after leaving the studio and went to dinner followed by a night out at Dray’s.

It’s a trendy nightclub where I had felt completely out of place one minute and completely in place the next when Zack’s arm draped around my waist. That was how the last couple weeks have been. Fancy dinners, paparazzi shots, clubs, the whole celebrity life thrown at my feet.

Zack doesn’t even like that normally, but he’s been trying to show me a good time so I let him. The entire time last night I thought about what it would be like to actually record an album, or go on tour, or be in a band.

Crap, I could be in a rock band! Mark would have flipped out, and called me ten shades of crazy to turn it down. But I’m still not sure yet if it is me. At all. But I do know I’m not ready to leave Zack either. A deep longing in my heart stirs every time I look at him, as I am doing now.

I am getting my second chance at love. It’s a life so different than the one I had, but an exciting life, nonetheless. One that has a spot carved out for me, right next to Zack. And I know what I feel for him is forever, or however long forever can last, anyway. I can’t leave him. He brought me into his world, and suddenly, I simply don’t want to leave it. But do I have the courage to join it the way he wants?

I need my girl.

Without waking Zack, I quietly roll out of bed, throw on my robe and grab my phone

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