Just One Song - By Stacey Lynn Page 0,92

his mind. “Is that what you want? Guys drooling all over themselves while watching me?”

“Would you still come home with me?” At my nod and ‘duh’ expression he just shrugs his shoulder. “Then let them drool away. I have no problems showing you off.”

“You’re impossible.” I throw in an eye roll and foot stomp for emphasis. “I’m not joining your band. That’s your life, not mine.”

His expression changes to much, much less amused. Angry. He wiggles his finger back and forth between the two of us. “It’s our life. Whether or not you play.”

My voice softens, knowing I’ve hurt him, even if it was unintentional. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t understand why you’re trying to make me do something I don’t want to do though. Just explain it to me, because this is the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard.”

“Because you’re amazing. And incredibly gifted. And selfishly, because I love you, and I just spent the last two weeks away from you and never want to be apart from you ever again. This is the perfect solution.”

I hear a click and look around. At least they were smart enough to know when to give us some privacy. I rub my forehead and sit back down in the stupid egg chair. “Zack, you can’t make me play in your band just because you don’t want us to be apart again.”

“I know that. I just… I just don’t want you to leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I lean back in the egg and look at him. Really look at him. He paces around the small lounge room running his fingers through his hair. He’s not angry. He’s scared.

“What are you not telling me?”

“You rescued me.” He kneels in front of me. I think he’s trying to make me understand something.

I don’t. “What do you mean?”

“I never thought I would fall in love. I haven’t met anyone in ten years who just wanted me. Not Zack Walters, not the guitar player, not the celebrity, but just me. Everyone wanted something from me. Except you.”

“I wanted you to buy me a beer.”

He kisses me roughly and quickly. So quick that I don’t even know it’s happening until it’s over, but it leaves me panting and wanting more. Much more.

“Shut up and listen, woman. I have spent the last several years being used and only being wanted when I could do something for someone else. I had almost given up hope of ever finding someone to share my life with. The real life of normal everyday things. And then you showed up and rocked my damn boat. You not only were unimpressed with me. You’re brave, and strong, and sexy as hell and half the time you don’t even realize how sexy you are, which just makes you even sexier. You challenge me to be better. To do better. You’re hilarious and confident, and a thousand other things that I could mention. You are everything I ever imagined in someone I would fall in love with. And then more. Much more. You’ve shown me what it is to love, to really love someone. Even through hearing about Mark and Andrew, you’ve taught me so much.”

I watch him take a deep breath. I need a deep breath after all he just said. It is just so much to take in.

“I don’t want to lose it. I want you to stay here. With me. Move here with me, Nic. Stay in L.A. Do the recording and the album, or not. I think you’d be way more incredible on it than you can even imagine, but I won’t make you. Just stay.”

“Zack.” I’m too speechless to say anything more. Move in with him? Move to L.A.? He must have taken some kind of crazy pill this morning when I wasn’t looking because the man has been acting insane ever since we got here today. It’s too soon. Even without my baggage, that I am trying so hard to not let it affect me, it’s too soon. We’ve known each other three months. And most of that time has been apart.

“It’s not too soon.” How does he do that? Of course the rock star is the one with the superpowers. “You wear your emotions and your worry all over your face, love. I know what you’re thinking. It’s not too soon. You love me. I love you. And if you love me even half as much as I love you, it’s more than enough. I know you’re about

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