Just One Song - By Stacey Lynn Page 0,26

concert was the first time I realized that Mark would want me to go and have fun. It was the first night since the accident that I had gone out and danced again with Mia."

"Who knew a Zack Walters concert could be so therapeutic."

I laugh silently and shake my head. He has no clue how right he actually is. “I'm surprised you haven't run out of here yet. You didn't come here to hear all my baggage."

“You don’t scare me.” His voice is gruff, and just above a whisper. “I’m here because I wanted to see you again.”

“Why?” I ask, and then want to smack myself again. I don’t want to sound doubtful or insecure, but I can’t help myself. I’m not particularly beautiful, or special.

Zack smirks at me again and shrugs a shoulder. “I wanted to solve the puzzle.”

“Did you?”

He shakes his head and smiles, but it’s a different smile than I’ve seen yet, and I feel it….everywhere. “Not even close.”

Without missing a beat, he takes one of my hands and leads me back to the couch. The gesture equal parts comforting and protective. Like if he holds on to me, we’ll both be stronger. I don’t bother questioning why I suddenly want that hand around me. It just feels right.

And it scares me, just a little, that I don’t feel scared.

Hours later, after we sit and talk more about Mia and his best friend, Brian, and even some stories of Mark and Andrew, I know our time is coming to a close. Soon he’ll have to head on to their next stop in Chicago

“What time do you leave tonight?” I choke the words out, because honestly, what I realize is the last thing I want to do is say good-bye to Zack. Not after the day we just had. I want something more from him and I shake my head briefly in disappointment with myself that I would allow myself to think this way.

“Our bus leaves in a few hours. We’ll drive to Chicago overnight and get there in the morning.”

There’s an awkward pause where I want to thank him for coming, or thank him for listening, or for not running, or giving me the most fun experience I have had in over a year. But nothing comes out, because what I really want to say was, ‘don’t go.’

I struggle to not say something completely stupid when I watch him take a hand and rub the back of his neck. Back and forth, slowly, with his eyes closed. He looks like he’s trying to solve the problem of world hunger in my living room.

“I shouldn’t say this.” Nothing good ever comes from a sentence starting that way. And he still looks nervous. “After everything you told me today, I’m not sure….”

I had been waiting for this moment. The moment when the reality of the baggage I carry with me scares him away. He’s trying to figure out a way to get out of my house without hurting me. At least he’s a nice enough guy to try to come up with some excuse.

I drop my eyes into my lap and resign myself to him getting ready to walk away. I don’t bother analyzing why the thought hurts me. I’ve only known Zack for a couple of days, but there is something about him. Something that makes smiling easy. And I like it.

I don’t even bother looking up when he clears his throat.

“I want you to finish the tour with us.”

Chapter Six

What? My head snaps up and my eyes widen to the size of saucers. He continues before I can say anything.

“I’m not ready to say good-bye to you yet.” Zack’s green eyes pierce straight into mine. He speaks it so simply as if it makes total sense. “I want you to come finish the tour with us, and be our photographer.”

I furrow my brows in confusion and disappointment. I cock my head to the side. “You want to hire me?”

A nervous laugh escapes Zack’s lips. He rubs his tongue across the front of his teeth and then his upper lip on the right side twitches a little bit.


Well that clears it right up. His hand covers mine in my lap. “I want to get to know you more. You’re beautiful, and strong. And the first woman I’ve met in a really long time that I want to be around. But I thought hearing that may freak you out a bit.”

He is right. It does.

And it doesn’t.

His lips turn

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