Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,50

pushed it out of his head.

“I’ll go with you.” The least he could do was make sure she ended up in a good place, though he had a feeling her brother would be all over her choice.

“You really don’t have to do that,” she said of his offer.

“Well, I want to.” He gripped the wheel tighter in his hand.

She shrugged. “Okay then. I’ll keep you posted on the day and time.”

After that, they fell into silence until they reached his loft. The moment he stepped inside, awareness of their situation settled on his shoulders. He was living with the same woman he was currently sleeping with. Would she expect to be in his bed every night? Was that even what he wanted?

He’d enjoyed sleeping with her last night and waking up with her this morning, both solid reasons to make sure it didn’t become a habit. The biggest thing he needed to worry about tonight was not insulting Chloe when he went into his bedroom alone.

Beck was tense as he locked up and they headed down the hall to the bedrooms, and he paused at his door, prepared to let her down gently. But she made a left and stepped into her room.

“Beck?” she asked, turning in the doorway and facing him.

“Yes?” He waited for her to tell him she’d change and come in. Or wash up and meet him in his room.

“Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed meeting your family,” she said, treating him to a genuine smile. “Good night, Beck.”

Still smiling, or maybe it was more like a grin, she stepped back and shut her door, closing him and his arrogant assumptions out.

* * *

Chloe leaned against the door and breathed out a huge sigh, aware of Beck on the other side, probably shocked. From the moment they’d entered the loft, Beck had been obviously uptight. And since where she’d be sleeping tonight was on her mind, she’d taken one look at him and guessed it was on his, too.

Beck the businessman would hate how well she’d read him. He hadn’t wanted her in his bed and she knew why. He didn’t want to set a precedent that would let her get closer to him, even if it meant they’d have great sex if he gave in to desire and not his fears.

They’d both be sleeping alone tonight. She could only hope she’d made her point. Points, actually. She wasn’t clingy, she could take a hint, and she had her pride.

Once alone in his bed, maybe he’d realize he’d made a mistake. A girl could hope. With a sigh, she pushed herself off the door and headed to her bathroom to wash up and undress.

Chapter Nine

Beck woke up alone with morning wood and a bad attitude. He’d climbed into bed by himself, exactly the way he’d wanted it, but he wasn’t satisfied with the way things had ended last night with Chloe. And he had only himself to blame. He desired her and he didn’t want to let himself have her.

Frustrated, he tossed off the covers and headed for the shower, meeting up with Chloe in the kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of black leggings and high-heeled short boots with one of the man-styled shirts she favored, this one in pink, and it reminded him of her wearing his dress shirt the other day. She’d looked vulnerable and sexy and so fucking appealing at the same time.

One hip propped against the counter, she drank her coffee, and there was another one waiting for him.

She picked up the mug and held it out. “Morning!” she said cheerfully.

“If you say so,” he muttered, taking a long sip and hoping the caffeine improved his mood.

“Sleep well?” she asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.

He narrowed his gaze. Had she tested him last night, going into her room alone just to see if he’d invite her in? She was definitely smart enough to know that he’d been unsure about how to handle their sleeping arrangements, and she’d taken control of the situation. And probably knew he’d regret letting her slip away.

“Drink your coffee. It seems like you need it,” she said, a grin on her pretty face.

Yeah, she’d known what she was doing. But it wasn’t coffee he desired. Drawing a deep breath, he reminded himself he was through with the internal bullshit and could have her if he wanted her. And he did.

He stepped close, took the mug out of her hand, and placed it on the granite beside

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