Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,49

you move in? It’s not his typical personality, if you know what I mean.”

Chloe narrowed her gaze. “If you’re afraid I’m taking advantage of your son, I can assure you I’m not. I–” Before she could inform his mother she was helping with cooking and cleaning and doing whatever else she could around the loft, Audrey shook her head and rushed over.

“God, no. I didn’t mean it like that. Just the opposite, in fact. I’m telling you if my son is helping you out, he cares.” Audrey beamed at her observation.

She obviously wanted her son settled and happy and had no idea Beck had other plans.

It wasn’t Chloe’s place to tell his mother things about Beck he hadn’t explained himself. “As I mentioned, we’re good friends.”

“Well, Beck doesn’t have many of those, and he’s never moved a woman in before.” She rushed over to the refrigerator and opened the door. “Do you like creamy Italian dressing?” Audrey asked. “I also have vinaigrette, French…”

Head spinning, Chloe replied, “Creamy Italian is fine, thank you.” She opted to ignore his mother’s other comment. And since she didn’t mention her husband’s diagnosis or problems, Chloe didn’t either.

But in the few minutes she’d had with Beck’s mother, Chloe had a few observations. His mom was a bulldog, which showed Chloe where Beck got his determination in business to go after what he wanted. It explained how he was so successful so fast and all on his own.

She also tended to ignore the important things and push them aside like they weren’t happening … her husband’s illness, for example. And Chloe had no doubt if asked, Audrey would assure her that Kurt would be fine. She wouldn’t want to hear otherwise. Which explained why Beck was so frustrated and why he had a hard time deciphering truth from blind hope.

Audrey meant well, but she didn’t want to see the reality in front of her, and she had the definite impression Kurt followed his wife’s lead in all things.

Then there was Beck. He wasn’t just more of a realist, he was a glass-half-empty kind of guy. That way, if the worst happened, he’d protected himself ahead of time.

Now that Chloe knew the forces that had shaped him, she was even more convinced there’d be no changing his mind once he’d made a decision. He’d put Chloe outside his inner circle, and that’s where she would remain.

* * *

“Your parents are amazing,” Chloe said as they headed back to the city.

Beck couldn’t help but grin. “I’m partial to them myself. And they liked you a lot.” He could tell they’d fallen in love with Chloe immediately.

He’d known it by the gleam in his mom’s eye and the way she’d grinned at him when Chloe wasn’t looking. His father merely patted him on the back as if he’d done something good by bringing her over. That was his dad’s seal of approval. It helped that Chloe was the perfect guest, bringing dessert and offering to help in the kitchen, which gave his mother a chance to grill her about her life.

“I’m glad.” She stretched her legs out in front of her and groaned, the sound going straight to his cock. “I noticed your parents changed the subject every time you tried to bring up your father’s surgery.”

He set his jaw. “Yeah.” Beck had gritted his teeth and gotten through it. “I just have to wait until he’s operated on and we have results.” And that was all the discussion he wanted to have on the subject. “So … do you have plans for tomorrow?”

He couldn’t imagine her sitting around the house and staring at the walls or the television.

She shook her head. “Not really. I could go back to work with Linc until I hear about the contest or find something else. In fact, I probably should.” But her pout told him how she felt about that.

He looked back at the road. “I have a better idea. Come to the office with me. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

She pivoted toward him. “Who?” she asked, excitement in her voice.

“My in-house designer, Natasha.” He had a feeling she and Chloe would get along, and maybe Natasha could help Chloe find direction.

“I’d love that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She shifted in the passenger seat. “Umm, there’s something else. I told my friend Amelia, the Realtor, to set up a couple of appointments for me to see the apartments I thought might be possibilities.”

He’d forgotten about her intention to move. More like he’d

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