Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,39

to wear the nicest dress she had in the closet. He’d followed it up with, if she didn’t have a fancy dress at his place, have one sent over. She was going to need it, and he knew Chloe had the connections to be ready when he returned.

By the time he walked into his loft, it was close to seven thirty, and he still wanted to take a shower and change. Today had felt much longer than planned.

He was tired, almost wishing he had no plans for the night. Until he saw Chloe. She stepped from the hall into the entryway, and one look blew him away. She wore a white, sleeveless, fitted dress that ended above the knee, hugging her slim waist and fuller hips. But it was the black leather straps that caught his attention. Leather ran around both the neckline and her shoulders, crisscrossing at the waist and stretching beneath her breasts. Breasts he’d held in his hands and tasted with his mouth.

His cock, already hard from looking at her, now stood at attention at the memory. He forced his gaze upward to her amused face, which was gorgeous. Her makeup accentuated her blue eyes, and her plush lips were a gorgeous pink. He slipped a hand into his front pocket and not so subtly adjusted himself.

She graced him with a knowing smile. “Are you going to say something or just stare at me all night? Because really, either way works for me.”

He grinned, stepping forward and taking her hand. “You look gorgeous, Chloe. Take-my-breath-away gorgeous.”

Those lips lifted in a pleased smile. “Glad you like.”

He so fucking did. “I need to take a quick shower and I’ll be ready to go.”

She nodded. “Hurry up. I’m hungry.”

Another thing he liked about Chloe Kingston. She didn’t hide the fact that she appreciated food. “Don’t worry. I have a special night planned that will satisfy all your desires.” With a wink, he headed off to shower. And probably to take the edge off before he sat through a long dinner before they got to dessert.

* * *

Chloe glanced at the man she had no business ogling no matter how hot he looked in his black slacks, matching jacket, and a white shirt, unbuttoned at the neck. Freshly showered, he smelled delicious, with a hint of his musky after shave surrounding her in the Rolls Royce Phantom Limousine on the way to dinner.

Not just a limousine but an icon her brothers used. Of course, Dash, the rock star, would want to make an entrance, and Xander, the thriller writer, desired space and privacy. Linc just enjoyed the good things. Beck had splurged, and knowing how much he liked to use a ride share and not act like the rich man he was, she more than appreciated the gesture.

The venue? A club her father and her brother also belonged to, but she’d never been here. Linc wasn’t much of a socializer, but he had the membership for wining and dining clients. All Chloe knew was that this was the most exclusive place in the city, and Beck had secured a private dining room just for them.

Which told her he was back to sending mixed signals.

“Beck,” she said, picking up her champagne flute and taking a sip of the bubbly liquid. “I realize we don’t know each other well, but there is something you should know about me.”

“And what is that?” he asked, studying her. In fact, he could barely take his gaze off her, which meant her dress had accomplished its goal.

She’d wanted him to take notice. Needed him to understand she wasn’t the crying woman he’d rescued or the needy female who’d hidden out in his loft for a week. She was not only finding herself but standing up for what she wanted as well.

“I don’t play games and I’m hoping you don’t either.”

“Looks like you’re going to beat me to this conversation.” Although he’d taken a sip of champagne after toasting to her bravery and hopeful success, he’d also ordered Macallan on the rocks and took a drink of that now.

Not willing to make whatever he wanted to discuss too easy on him, she waited in silence. After all, he’d been the one to turn to ice last night only to be totally different again this morning. If he’d given it thought, she wanted to hear what he had to say.

He leaned back in his seat, holding his drink. “I told you about my sister.”

She nodded, the urge to take

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