Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family #2) -Carly Phillips Page 0,38

this impromptu meet has something to do with your houseguest?” He lifted his glass. “To Dad’s health.”

“Amen,” Beck said, touching his glass to theirs while they did the same.

Beck took a long drink as he considered how to reply.

“I bet Chloe’s rocked his world, and he doesn’t know what to do with her. Is that it?” Drew asked, meeting Beck’s gaze.

And Beck already regretted calling these two to talk. It wasn’t like either sibling was currently in a relationship or anything. He should have just figured out his problem by himself.

“Okay, sorry, man. You obviously have something on your mind.” Drew folded his arms and leaned on the table. “Talk.”

Beck frowned but his options were limited. His brothers were all he had. “Fine. Yeah, I slept with her, and now I feel like I’m playing that push-pull game. Which I don’t mean to do. It’s not fair to her. It’s just that she’s different than anyone I’ve been with before.” Needing a drink, he took another sip, savoring the burn as it went down.

“Is she pushing you for more than you’re willing to give?” Tripp, who was just coming off of a breakup, asked.

Beck shook his head. “Not at all. I told her from the start I don’t do relationships, and she said she wasn’t looking to jump into another one.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Drew asked. “Sounds to me like you’re the one making things more complicated than they need to be.”

And wasn’t that a kick in the ass? Beck downed a larger sip of his drink.

“What’s going on?” Tripp pushed.

“She makes me feel things,” he muttered, not in the least bit happy with himself.

A smirk edged Tripp’s mouth. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

“What are you going to do about it?” Drew asked.

Beck rolled his head to ease the tension in his shoulders. “Look, nothing’s changed. I don’t want to get seriously involved with anyone. You both know why and I’m not getting into it again now. But the fact that Dad’s sick? Just reinforces how right I am in my thinking.” He downed the last of his drink.

Drew lifted the bottle and poured him another glass.

Beck shook his head. “I don’t need another. I have dinner plans.” With Chloe.”

“Listen.” Tripp leaned forward and spoke in that calming doctor voice that could get annoying. “Chloe’s not staying with you forever, so just have fun while she’s there. Spell out those terms so she understands. That’ll avoid you overthinking, not to mention the hot-cold thing you don’t want to keep doing.” He shrugged. “Simple.”

More than Tripp knew, since Chloe already planned on moving out.

“The man’s got a point.” Drew placed his glass down on the table. “Not that I necessarily agree with your thinking about forever. Look at Mom and Dad, the things they’ve survived together. Makes me think someone for the long haul might not be so bad.”

Beck’s muscles stiffened at the notion. “I don’t agree with you. It’s just one more person to love … and possibly lose.” He cleared his throat. “But Tripp’s idea makes sense.” And it helped ease the knot building in his chest.

Changing his mind, he picked up his glass and took a final sip, still weighing his options, ultimately deciding Tripp was right. If he put a limit on this thing with Chloe, he could handle it without hurting either one of them. And that’s what he’d keep telling himself until he believed it.

Chapter Seven

Beck planned to take Chloe to the exclusive club he belonged to in the heart of the Hudson Yards. Only the elite could be members, and Beck didn’t say that lightly. It was the crown jewel of private social clubs. Booking a private room here, where no one else would see them or have access, was something he’d never considered before and probably never would again. Michelin star chefs and staff that were vetted and arguably the best in the world were at his disposal.

He’d made the decision before Tripp had imparted his wise words about how to handle things with Chloe because Beck wanted to treat her to the best. Yes, her family could afford access, and for all he knew, Linc was a member. Beck didn’t keep track of the who’s who on the roster. But his gut told him nobody had treated Chloe like the princess she’d dressed as the night of her aborted wedding. He intended to do just that and refused to question why.

Before heading to meet with his brothers, he’d texted her and told her

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