Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,44

When Damon would have protested, Ty lifted a finger and pointed back to the lobby. “You may have noticed that we have a club here, one that’s only open three nights a week.”

“I worked it last Thursday,” Damon said, hearing coldness in his tone.

“And I worked Saturday, and Cassie worked all three nights. With Kyle and Theo in San Francisco, it’s tough to maintain our policy of having at least one partner in the club each night.”

“Hey, it was Kyle’s idea...”

“And he’s not here because he’s setting up F5F West. You know that! Damon, we’ve got to pull together through the tight spots to keep this place going.”

“I’m not staying tonight. I already worked a full day.”

“So did I,” Ty replied. “And I’d love to go home, but I’m staying.” He drilled a finger into Damon’s chest. “And you’re staying. I sent Cassie home already. She’s dead on her feet and if she gets sick, we’ll really be in a jam.”

Anger rose hot within Damon but he didn’t show it. “I have plans tonight.”

“So did I. Shannyn will have to wait and so will Natasha.” Ty was resolute, his stare hard when Damon didn’t reply. “Or do I have to remind you again that we’re all five equal partners? That can be revised if you want out.”

“I don’t want out,” Damon said tightly. “I just have to do something tonight.”

“It’s not fair, Damon, and you know it. Cassie needs a break. The fact that she’s not seeing anyone isn’t a good enough reason to leave her spending every Friday night here at the club.”

Damon took a deep breath and stared around the weight room, composing himself. Tyler was right and he knew it, but he was worried about his mom. “I just need to make one phone call,” he said, meeting the other man’s gaze. “If that’s all right with you.”

“Give my regards to the lady,” Ty said and turned to leave. “I’m going up to change. If you’re not in the club when I come back down, I will find you, even if I have to drag you in there.”

“Got it,” Damon acknowledged. Ty nodded once and left, heading for the elevator and his apartment in the tower above the club.

Damon clenched his fist, exhaled, then punched in the number for the nurses’ station at the hospital. He hated asking for help, but this was about his mom and her comfort.

And there was only one person he could trust to take his place this one time.


Haley was early for her shift, although she told herself it wasn’t because it was Friday night. No. It was because it was snowing like crazy and there would be people coming to work late and others wanting to get home. The worst of the storm was supposed to hit during the night.

The tom had checked out the apartment thoroughly when she brought him home. Contrary to prediction, he had yet to set his claws on her furniture. He wasn’t much for eating and he tended to sit on the sill, either watching her or looking out the window. He seemed aloof and hadn’t wanted to snuggle or even let himself be stroked.

Haley was pretty sure he didn’t think he was staying. She’d broiled fish that night for herself and given him a piece. He’d gobbled it up then watched her more closely, still wary, still considering her merit.

When she left, she’d looked up from the street and seen his silhouette in the window. Impulsively, she’d waved.

Megan was on the desk in the cardiac ward. Haley nodded to her and went to put her stuff in her locker, wondering what the cat would do in her absence.

She still hadn’t decided on a name for him, although she had sent a picture to her mom.

“Hey,” Megan said, peeking around the corner. “There’s a message for you.”

“For me?”

A bell sounded and Megan swore under her breath, then hurried to the desk. Haley changed and closed her locker, then followed Megan to the desk. The other nurse was on the phone but she held up a finger, motioning for Haley to wait.

“What’s up?” Haley asked when Megan ended the call.

“Oncology called. They asked if you were in, then when you would be in, then left a message.” Megan rummaged on the desk and came up with a pink slip of paper. “Here! They asked if you could come to Mrs. Perez.”

Because Damon wasn’t coming.

“Does that mean anything to you?” Megan asked when Haley didn’t say anything.

“It does,”

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