Just One Night Together (Flatiron Five Fitness #3) - Deborah Cooke Page 0,43

a couple of shots, then showed them to Shannyn. She made suggestions for adjustments and they set to work as Cassie watched.

Get lucky at F5F.

This campaign was going to set Manhattan on fire.

He wasn’t the ideal roommate, but Haley couldn’t resist him.

It appeared that she had a weakness for large, dark, brooding males.

At the shelter, she was overwhelmed by the sheer number of adult cats available for adoption. The girl working there explained their policy of being a no-kill shelter, then pointed out the big black tom who sat at the back of the cat pen as if he wanted to be anywhere else in the world. Younger cats frolicked around him, but he remained impassive. “If we were a kill shelter, he’d be long gone,” she said, as if that wouldn’t bother her too much.

The cat eyed them, as if he knew they were talking about him. He was completely black and an enormous cat. A miniature panther. Sleek and powerful. Still and watchful. He was missing one eye and his ear was ripped.

Haley wondered if he had a tattoo or had done military service.

“Why? Because he’s black?” She knew that black cats were less likely to be adopted, although she thought that was silly.

“That and he’s miserable. He ended up here because he was hurt in a fight and has been here ever since.”

“How long?”

“Eight months. No one ever came for him. Maybe he didn’t have anyone.” The girl shrugged. “Let me show you the kittens. We have some adorable tabbies...”

“No,” Haley said, holding the black cat’s steady gaze and knowing exactly who he reminded her of. “I’m interested in that big tom.”

His eye seemed to glow green as he watched her and the tip of his tail began to flick. Just like someone she knew, he wasn’t in a hurry to share his thoughts.

“Really? He’s been neutered, of course,” the girl said. “The vet did it at the same time as he was patching him up. It was supposed to calm him down, but it doesn’t seem like it. He’s still got his claws, so he’ll scratch up your stuff.”

“I thought you were supposed to help cats get adopted, not talk people out of it,” Haley said lightly and the girl flushed.

“He’s just a lot of trouble. You should know what you’re getting into.”

“I like trouble,” Haley said, because it was true. “I want to see him.”

Damon was finishing up on Friday night when Ty strode into the weight room. Damon waved, noting that Ty was still wearing his suit and tie and carrying his briefcase. He didn’t think much about Ty being dressed up, just finished putting away the weights. He’d been worrying about his mom all day long and couldn’t wait to get to the hospital. He hated having this knot in his gut, never mind the conviction that there was nothing he could do to help.

He really hated that he couldn’t talk to Haley. She had an ability to make him feel better, but he didn’t want to withdraw what he couldn’t repay. It wasn’t fair.

The day had passed more slowly than he’d believed possible.

He checked his phone again, but there weren’t any messages from the hospital.

Who had given his mom that red chemo hat? It was knitted and he wondered about that basket of knitting in Haley’s apartment. Did she knit for chemo patients as well as premature babies? It wouldn’t surprise him.

He reminded himself that he was not looking for an excuse to call Haley.

But Damon wasn’t sure it was true.

Truth be told, he found the prospect of thanking her one more time pretty enticing.

“I hope you’re not planning to duck out tonight again,” Ty said and Damon jumped with the realization that Ty had been watching him. The other partner hadn’t put down his briefcase or loosened his tie. There was a resolve in his eyes that made Damon wonder what was up.

“I’m always off Friday night,” Damon said, but Ty shook his head.

“You have always been off Friday night. Tonight’s different.”

Damon raised a hand, only realizing after he’d done it that he was gesturing with his phone. “Look, I have to go.”

“Because the lovely Natasha is waiting for you,” Ty said and shook his head. “I never thought that I’d need to talk to you about teamwork, Damon. I always thought it would be Kyle who’d be vanishing when we could use his help, but...”

Damon tapped his watch. “I have to go.”

“No,” Ty said firmly. “Tonight, you have to stay.”

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