The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,72

gives me sets my panties on fire. Before Cage, I never understood the meaning of a panty-melting smile. Now I get it. “You know what? Let’s go get all your stuff now, so you don’t have an excuse to go back there.”

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t you ask Murphy first?” I’m not dragging my feet, not really. I want to be here, but I don’t want to step on any toes.

“I’m positive, and I don’t care what Murphy thinks, or anyone else. Now, put your shirt on because there is no way you’re stepping out of this room like that.” He points to my chest, making me look down. I’m still only wearing a bra. “What’s wrong with this bra? It’s the cutest one I have,” I tease.

“I’d prefer if you didn’t have one on at all, but either way, I’m the only one who gets to see you like that.”

“They make bikinis. I have one. Maybe we can go to the beach, and I can show it off.”

Cage growls. “Do you want me to go to jail?”

“Of course not.”

“Then, no bikinis. You’re mine, every single inch.” The possessiveness he exerts over me makes me want to kiss him, but I oblige. One kiss will lead to two, and two will lead us to the bed, and if we end up there, we will never get out of this bedroom.

So instead, I grab a shirt and pull it over my head. When I’m all covered up, Cage opens the door for me and leads me downstairs. We hear Murphy and some other guys talking and laughing in the living room before we make it down the stairs. Their voices so loud, they carry through the whole damn house. I can’t help but tense up a little, knowing that we’re going to be walking into a room full of guys. Guys that are Cage’s friends.

When we walk around the corner hand in hand, the room falls quiet, and all eyes turn to us. There are five guys here, sitting on the couch, each drinking a beer. I know two of them, Murphy and Evan, but I don’t know the other three.

The large flat-screen TV is playing a football game, but no one is paying attention to it at the moment.

“I thought there were no girls allowed at football night?” One of the three guys I don’t know says.

“You can’t bring a girl, Charlie. Or any of you fuckers for that matter. My house, my rules. Besides, Blair lives here now.”

“This girl lives with you?” The guy named Charlie asks, pointing his finger at me. He seems to be stunned at the thought.

Cage tenses next to me. His grip on my hand tightens, almost painfully. Murphy chuckles and shakes his head at his friend.

“Don’t make him kick your ass, Charlie, because I will crack open another beer, make some popcorn, and watch this shit go down.” Murphy snickers.

“This is Blair, and she is my girlfriend. So, if you want to leave my place with all of your teeth inside your mouth, I suggest you watch what you say.”

Did Cage just call me his girlfriend?

“I get it. Calm your nutsack.” Charlie throws up his hands in defeat.

“Let’s just go, Cage.” I try to distract him and pull him toward the door. The last thing we need is another fight to take place.

Reluctantly, he follows me, letting me drag him out the door.

“I’m sorry,” he says when we are in the truck. “Most of my friends play football, so they get hit in the head a lot.”

“You don’t have to apologize. We are kind of an odd couple.” I shrug.

“Nothing odd about us. I’m a football player, and you’re the prettiest girl in school. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

I feel my cheeks heat at his words. I’m still not used to someone complimenting me on my looks. I always get compliments and praise on my academics, but never on the way I look.

Cage parks right in front of the dorms. As we get out of the truck, excitement fills me. We’re here to get my things. I’m moving in with Cage for good.

He comes around the truck and wraps his large hand around mine.

“Cage!” Someone yells from across the street.

We both turn at the same time. It’s his coach, who is now crossing the street and heading in our direction.

“I need to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?”

“I’m actually just about to–”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll go upstairs and start Copyright 2016 - 2024