The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,50

together, and the playful expression disappears. “What’s up? Did something happen? I was only messing with you.”

“Yeah, I know, but I’m in a shit mood, and I need a shower, something to eat and a nap.”

“Did something happen with Blair?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know. Nothing happened. I took her back to the dorms and put her to bed. She asked me to stay, and we slept, nothing more than that. Then her roommate showed up, and it was a mess. For once in my life, I’m actually regretting being a manwhore.”

Murphy’s face becomes stone-cold serious. “Ahh, shit. Don’t tell me you’re getting attached to her. You said you were just friends, dude.”

“We are, and I’m not. I just… I care about her is all. I don’t know. Forget I said anything. I’m going to go shower.”

“Sure, but if it makes you feel any better. I like Blair…”

“I hope you mean like as in friends,” I interrupt and shoot daggers at him.

He chuckles. “Fuck, you’re in deep, man, and yes, just as friends, though, if shit ever goes south with you two, let me know, and I’ll…”

“Do not finish that sentence or so help me god, I will kick your fucking ass,” I snarl, which only makes Murphy laugh harder.

Rolling my eyes, I head for my bedroom and ignore the laughter that follows me down the hall. Walking into my room, I slam the door closed and click the lock into place. I pull out my phone and go to my messages.

My fingers itch to text Blair, but I shouldn’t. I don’t want her to think what happened last night was anything, even though I know it was. It was huge, not only for her but for me too. It was the first night I did something for someone else. The first night where I wanted to give instead of take.

Throwing myself down on the bed, I type the words out that I want to say.

Me: I wish you would’ve come with me. I hated leaving you there with Amanda. She’s such a bitch.

I wait a second, then another just staring at the screen waiting for her message to come through, but nothing appears. Shaking my head, I push up off the bed.

Maybe Amanda ruined everything after all. Maybe my reputation has finally caught up with me.

Defeated, I throw my phone onto my mattress. It barely has left my hand when it starts to ring. Even before I pick it up, I see Nerd flash across the screen. I make a mental note to change her name in my contacts before I answer the phone.


“I changed my mind. I want to stay with you,” she sobs into the phone.

“What happened? Why are you crying?” Fucking Amanda.

“I’m fine. I just… can you come back?”

“I’m on my way.”

“Okay, thank you.”

I hang up the phone and half run back outside. Murphy yells after me, asking where the hell I’m going, but I ignore his question. Blair needs me, and I’ll be damned if I’m not there for her. Driving back to the dorm, I keep wondering what Amanda could have said to make her cry. Or maybe it isn’t Amanda at all? Maybe something else happened? The thought sends me into a tailspin.

When I reach the dorm, Blair is already standing out front. She climbs into the truck as soon as I pull up to the curb. The very first thing I notice is that her eyes are puffy and red, and her glasses are a little fogged up. It makes me want to pick her up, take her into my arms, and make sure everything is okay.

“Please, tell me what’s wrong. Did Amanda say something else?”

“I’m just tired, and Amanda wouldn’t leave me alone, and then my brother called and told me something that made me upset. I just… I wanted to get out of there.” She looks down at the floor.

“Okay, do you want to tell me what’s going on with your brother?” I grip the steering wheel.

“Not right now. Can we just go to your place, please?”

“Sure.” I try to hold on to the thought that she called me to pick her up and not to the part where she is still hiding something from me. I can’t expect her to tell me and trust me about every little thing. We aren’t an item, we’re just new friends.

Besides the occasional tiny sob, she stays quiet during the short ride back to my place. Her discomfort is eating me up inside like Copyright 2016 - 2024