The Jock by J.L. Beck Page 0,49

more than a caress of wind between the trees.

I push up off the floor and climb to my feet before turning to look at her. Her face is red all the way up to her hairline, and she looks like she’s been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She winces, and her gaze screams, sorry.

Is she ashamed or embarrassed? Maybe both. I know she doesn’t want Amanda to think we’re sleeping together, but who cares? Or maybe it’s my reputation and the rumors that will come with doing so. I’ll bet it’s the latter.

“What’s it matter who she sleeps with?” I counter, pissed off that she wants to shove her nose in Blair’s business.

Amanda smiles, but it’s faker than the makeup on her face. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care really. I just thought I would remind her that once she gives it up, you’ll want nothing to do with her. Seen it happen more than once, hell, I experienced it myself.”

Cringing, I grit my teeth. For once, I hate the reputation I’ve brought upon myself.

“It’s not like that with Blair, we’re friends.”

Well, we were friends. I’m not sure after what we did last night. Can you be friends with someone after you put your fingers in their vagina?

Amanda bursts into a fit of laughter, and I turn to Blair, who has a doleful expression on her face. This is getting worse by the second. I don’t want to leave her here to be Amanda’s personal punching bag.

“Friends? You, Cage Wilder, friends with a girl? And of all people her?” She snorts, but it’s nothing like Blair’s adorable snort. No, this sounds like a foghorn. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

“Shut up!” I growl over my shoulder.

“How about you get out!” she yells back, and I’m ready to explode on her, but as I look at Blair, the deep frown etched into her features, I hold it together. I know the moment I walk out of here, Amanda will turn her anger on Blair, and I won’t have that.

I’m completely out of my element with my next question, but I ask it anyway.

“Do you want to come stay with me for a little bit? You can have the spare bedroom. It’ll be temporary just so you can get away from her.”

“I’m right here, asshole,” Amanda yells, and I know if she continues with this hysteria, someone’s going to call campus security.

Blair shakes her head, and strands of hair fall into her face with the movement. “No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine.” I can tell she’s upset, but I can’t do anything if she doesn’t want to come with me. Disappointed, I shove my hands into my pockets.

“Are you sure? It’s no hassle.”

“I’m fine, Cage.” Blair smiles, but it lacks luster, and I start to wonder if last night was nothing more than a dream. I really want to toss her over my shoulder and carry her down to my truck, but I doubt she would appreciate that.

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you later then.” I hate how desperate I sound; how upset I am that a girl is turning me down, but this isn’t just any girl. This is Blair.

“Bye,” she whispers, looking down at her hands. Turning on my heels, I see Amanda, who gives me a bitchy smirk and a wave.

“Buh, bye,” she says and follows behind me as I walk out the door. I’ve barely stepped into the hall, and she’s closing the door behind me.

Fuck, this feels wrong, and yet there is nothing I can do about it.

Moving at a sloth’s pace, it takes me forever to get to my truck and even longer to get to my condo. Once home, I head straight for my bedroom, but I’m cut off in the kitchen by Murphy.

“So, where did you stay last night?” He wiggles his dark brows at me.

The fucker knows good and well where I was and is only trying to bait me.

Blinking slowly, I stare at him like he’s stupid. “You know where I was.”

He grins. “Yes, with nerd girl. Now tell me, was she a virgin? Part of me says she was, but I want to be certain, can never just assume.”

I clench my fist, wanting to drive it straight into his nose. “I didn’t sleep with her, asshole, and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“Ooo,” he fakes a cough, “is someone catching feelings?”

“Murphy!” I growl, already pissed from the confrontation with Amanda.

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