The Job Offer - By Eleanor Webb Page 0,29

wanton woman that she would sleep with a man after so short an acquaintance? She had only had two short lived romances in her twenty-nine years and not a lot of sexual experience from either. Apparently she had some latent sexual tendencies that Ben brought out in her, she thought logically. She needed to get back to her parents' house and think about all of this without his presence affecting her judgment.

He opened his door and allowed her to walk in first, and she flipped on the light as she waited for him to close and lock his door. They were in the sitting room of the suite. He came to her immediately after locking up and pulled her into his arms. Then he kissed her until she was ready to drag him to the bedroom for more. All too soon for her tastes, he stopped and pulled back enough so that he could hold her still in the circle of his arms. He looked down at her with a look of frustration then kissed the end of her nose before letting her go entirely.

"You have quite a powerful effect on me, my dear Anne. Did you know that? You always have. Not tonight, but soon, you won't be going out that door." He kissed her again then pulled away with a groan to look down at her. "I intend to make sure you experience my 'mostly bad' in a very good way." She sighed in frustrated desire then allowed him to pull her to the back balcony door off of the sitting room. Before stepping outside, she pulled him back into her arms and kissed him until he was drawing her in closer to his body. Then she stepped away, walked over the threshold, and turned to look at him.

"You always had an effect on me, too. Goodnight, Ben. What are you going to do for the rest of the night? It’s still pretty early."

"Take the coldest shower I can handle then try to get a few hours of work in. Goodnight my sexy little temptress. I'll see you in the morning. I get up around five and usually have coffee in my room before heading down at six. So meet me up here before six." She gave him one last smile before she slipped quietly into the night.

* * * * *

Ben did not waste any time after Anne left his suite. After a quick cold shower, he went down to the lobby where he was told by the front desk that his parents and the Petrovics were in the lounge. He noticed that Chelsea was gone. Thank God for that. He decided to skip talking to his and Anne’s parents tonight, preferring to do so when Anne was with him, and asked for keys to one of the inn's cars. Then he drove until he found the island’s only 24 hour pharmacy. He went inside and came out a few minutes later with a box of condoms and a few other necessities. If tonight was any indication of what was ahead, he would have Anne in his bed tomorrow night if not sooner.

Thinking of Anne, he smiled. He liked her. He always had, and there were not that many women whom he actually liked as a friend and whom he also wanted to take to bed. She was fun to be with, had a quick intelligent mind, and had a great sense of humor. Then there was her body. She had a body made for sex. In all his fantasies about her when they were teenagers, he never thought that she would be as responsive as she was tonight. It was all he could do to hang onto his control when she climaxed, he thought. Her lips were like honey, too. He never kissed a woman who could seduce him so quickly with just the touch of her lips and tongue on his. He knew that she was not the type of woman to fall into bed with virtual strangers, which they were after all of these years. Neither was he, for that matter, but when he touched her it was like a flame went wild in both of them. He could not explain it. He had never had that connection with another woman before.

It's was a good thing she was leaving the state after that weekend because, if she lived in Seattle, he would be tempted to keep seeing her. He would not have been able Copyright 2016 - 2024