The Job Offer - By Eleanor Webb Page 0,28

you were another kind of woman, Anne, then maybe we would take it further. But you're not the kind to let a man even go this far this soon, are you? So, Sweetheart, I promise it will happen, but first I need to woo you a little bit first. We both have to be ready." Ben gave one last kiss before standing up. Seeing her breast still exposed, he cupped her with his hand then regretfully moved the bodice and shoulder strap back in place.

"Woo me," she said to herself. "The man drives me wild until I climax in his arms, then he says he wants to woo me. What's next, Carlson?" At his look, she gulped. She had a good idea of what came next, and she was surprised how much she wanted it. Remembering her sandals, she leaned against him for support so that she could slip them back on her feet. The little break allowed her to gain control of her breathing. Looking around, she saw that the sun had set while they were out here. He had her so wrapped up with what he was doing to her body that she did not even notice. Holding his hand now as he led her back along the shore, she was lost in thought until they climbed the steps to the dock that was now lit by overhead lights.

"There is something I need to tell you, Ben, about myself." She stopped to look at him and her face became illuminated by the light bulb shining down on them.

"Is it bad?"

"No, it's not bad," she answered with a small laugh. "I wanted you to know that Anne is actually my middle name and the name I go by here at the inn. My mom and I have the same name, but to avoid confusion I usually go by my middle name. I just wanted you to know in case we run into some of the locals who call me Jane."

"Jane Anne. Not a problem, Sweetheart. But I'll stick with Anne if it is all right with you."

"Ok, Ben."

"Ok, Anne." He grinned at her then reached out to brush away strands of hair that blew into her face from the soft breeze that came in over the water. Her hair was a riot of brown curls that only emphasized her bright blue eyes. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, and she had a beard rash on her neck and chin because he had not bothered to shave again that evening when getting ready for dinner. She did not know any of this. She only knew that he was staring at her in a way that made her want to drag him off down the shore again so that they could finish what they started.

"Do I look all right to you?" she finally asked him. He had to stop looking at her like he was doing, or she would drag him back. The last thing she wanted was to have everyone know what they had been doing together out here.

"You look great to me. You look just like a woman who had sex."

"I do not, do I?" She looked up at him in alarm.

"Relax, Anne. You look fine. Come on. We had better go explain the plan to our families."

Taking her hand, he walked beside her back up to the main building entering the building this time through a back entrance that would take them down a hall and into the lobby. After all of their talk of speaking to their families, it was rather anticlimactic when none of their family members were around. The only person they encountered was Chelsea who sat in the lobby reading the newspaper. She watched them enter the lobby suspiciously but, otherwise, left them alone.

"Come on, Sweetheart. Time for bed," he said before steering Anne over to the elevator. While they waited for the car to come to the first floor, he whispered to her then leaned down for a sensual kiss. Anne knew the kiss was just as much for Chelsea's benefit as it was for her own, but she smiled at Ben anyway.

Walking beside Ben in the hallway down to his suite, she wondered if she could change his mind about sleeping with her tonight. The thought shocked her, but then she was shocked at her overall behavior tonight. She could not even blame it on alcohol because she only had one glass of wine. Since when had she become such a Copyright 2016 - 2024