Jinx (Kings of Carnage MC) - Chelsea Camaron Page 0,26

keep this place clean and the fridge filled with beer, and we’ll pay you four hundred a week.”

“Fuck it up, Apple, and you’re out on your ass,” I finish Sly’s statement, knowing the Treasurer doesn’t play around with salaries.

“Noted,” she states, not even fazed by Sly’s neck tattoos. “Now, when do I start?”

Chaos motions us to the corner where the pool tables are. We all move with him, Apple remaining in place. I have to admit, for a guy like me, it’s nice not to have to spell everything out. She read Chaos and stayed put.

Chaos rubs his beard. “Know I told you to find someone quick, but her name is Apple?”

I nod, knowing I happen to wonder about her name myself, but I didn’t question her. “Call it my gut, but something says she’ll fit in. Whatever her name is doesn’t particularly matter to me. Plus, we don’t have anything going on in this building but parties really. No patched brother is going to give her any kind of leverage. Frankly, the way that girl is, she’s going to clean and not be worried about becoming club ass or an ol’ lady. She wants to work and get paid. We don’t need to know her story as much as she doesn’t need to know ours.”

Bash is the first to step up and back me. “Truth. I’m good with it.”

North looks to the woman who is wearing a hiker’s backpack that I swear is almost as big as she is. He looks back to me. “She travels like that?”

I nod. It was a bitch to situate on my bike, but we made it work. She says she’s got a place to stay not far from here, but went to Five Points because she figured it was easier to find a job there. Going on an assumption, her life is in that pack.

“She’s not taking shit from us, it seems. So, she gets my okay,” North adds while I look to Sly.

“We got the funds,” Sly chimes in. “Do we need to background check her?”

All of us look to the woman who has dropped her pack and already started cleaning. Chaos looks to me. “You’ve never led us wrong, so she gets the pass. For now, we watch her. If anything seems off, I don’t give a fuck who feels it, sees it, and I don’t care what it is, we cut her loose. But for now, we let her try.”

With that, Sly goes back to her and my phone pings. Pulling it out, I think it’s about my dad. I’m shocked when the system from my truck alerts me that my truck is no longer parked at my house, but instead, on the interstate heading west.

“Someone stole my truck! What the fuck?”

I turn on the GPS and watch the little icon move. North stands over my shoulder looking at my phone with me.

“Bash, get Bouncer on the line. Find out where he is. If he’s closer to Jinx’s truck, have him tail it,” Chaos orders, and Bash grabs his phone.

Within minutes, we’re all on our bikes leaving Sly to get Apple settled while we ride to catch up with my truck.

Who the fuck was on my property? I don’t have fucking neighbors. Who is in my truck? The more the questions play in my head, the more pissed off I become.

The darkness of the night doesn’t soothe anything inside of me. I love my fucking truck. Sure, she isn’t brand new, but she is mine. The matte black lifted Chevy Silverado is custom inside and out.

The damn icon on my phone is taunting me as I watch it move. Since I don’t have the Bluetooth shit set up on my bike, I rigged my phone with duct tape to my gas tank. As Road Captain, I know all the major roads and back roads, which is what I prefer. Only, watching the little arrow that represents my truck, I can’t get a clue as to where this person is headed. They seem to be lost, having gotten on and off the interstate multiple times. Thank fuck whoever has it is heading to Alabama instead of into Atlanta. Even at night, Atlanta can have traffic.

Twisting the throttle, I press on with my brothers at my back. We are closing in when I watch the arrow make a loop on the screen and come to a stop. We are about five minutes from the location when I get the alert that the

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