Jinx (Kings of Carnage MC) - Chelsea Camaron Page 0,25

is a line at P so the truck must like P. What can I do? Drifter begins to bang on the window with the back of his knife. The locks are only going to save me for a few seconds.

I press the pedal in the floorboard closest to the right. The engines roars but I don’t move. Shit!

The steering wheel has a picture of a horn, so I press on it. Maybe I can wake up the person in the house. I just need someone to call the police. I don’t care if I get caught, I need to get help for Katie. The group scatters like roaches while I honk frantically. The truck is still running and I’m practically beating on the steering wheel to no avail. The house remains dark inside.

Moments later the group re-emerges from the edge of the woods no doubt to finish me off since no one is coming from the house. Desperation fills me. I begin to tug on the sticks around the steering wheel. Finally the one on the right moves the line from P over to R. I hit the gas and the truck lurches backward. Then I jam it into N only to have the engine rev up but the truck remain in place. When I hit it into D, the truck rolls forward throwing rocks as I fight with the steering wheel to get turned around and out of the long driveway.

If I can make it to Atlanta, I can get help for Katie. I had to have hope she was still alive. Otherwise I would be giving up my identity and risking my family coming for me all for a girl who is no more.

Fate is a cruel bitch and seems to hate me more and more as time passes.



“Don’t underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.” Unknown – If one phase sums me up this is it, Jinx

“Chaos, this is Apple,” I introduce the little woman at the clubhouse. “Apple, this is the quick version. Chaos is the club President. Whatever he says goes. He overrides anything anyone tells you, so don’t forget that shit. He’s your boss.”

She extends her hand to him. “I’m here to clean. No sexual favors, got it, big guy?”

Chaos lets out a laugh, which isn’t common for him. “You’re cute, Apple.”

“I’m forbidden fruit,” she states. “And while I’ll clean anything, if you decide to shave your beard, I’m not cleaning that out of the sink. Deal, buddy?” She extends her hand to him with all the confidence in the world. This woman is something for sure.

We all laugh. Chaos has a shaggy beard, it’s just part of him, so she need not worry about him shaving it off. Bash steps up, studying the woman. “Where are you from?” he asks crossing his arms over his chest. The thing with Bash, one minute he’s cool as a cucumber, and the next, he’s bashing someone’s head in. He’s like a stick of dynamite, always ready to explode.

“Here, there, everywhere,” Apple replies, not missing a beat and not in the least bit intimidated by him.

“Apple,” I explain, “Bash is the VP, and anything he says goes and can only be overruled by Chaos. Which, just so you know, never happens.”

We are unified and don’t go against each other. That’s just how things work as Kings. When Vic was in charge, it was a different time, a different atmosphere. Only officers seemed to have a say and took the shit to the table, leaving the majority of the club out. Chaos took over, and he’s turned so much around, and along with that, we have solidified our bonds as brothers.

She nods as North circles her. “I bet you could work a pole,” he teases with his mind on Centerfolds, as usual. “If this cleaning thing doesn’t work out, I got a job for you, Apple. That could be a cute stage name too.”

I shake my head and watch as Apple doesn’t get rattled by North. Interesting. The guy is seriously charismatic, plus he has this clean look to him that has most women swooning before he even opens his mouth. “You’re far too pretty of a man to have such a mouth.” Damn, she gives it right back to my brother. I’m impressed.

“Oh yeah, this one will be fun,” Sly says, extending his hand to Apple. “Name’s Sly, I’ll handle your salary. Cash weekly. You

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