The Jezebel - Dylan Allen Page 0,41

silence for a minute and I wonder what she’s thinking. This is hardly how I imagined my life turning out.

“I know I can’t stay with him. I just don’t know where to start. Also, he will fight me every step of the way…and if I’m honest, it’s that brawl I’m avoiding more than anything.” I groan and run a hand through my hair.

“I wish I could say that the last ten years had matured me emotionally, but ending relationships still isn’t my thing.”

I glance at her and shake my head in fond exasperation. “Don’t tell me you’re still doing that,” I say. She used to ghost on men all the time when we were in college. I thought it was funny, until she did it to me.

She ignores my jibe. “But... I can tell you that hot, anonymous sex in a city where you don’t know a soul, is a really good place to start. Unclog those pipes so you can think clearly, first.”

“God, you make it sound so easy. That was the craziest and most reckless thing I’ve ever done. I could have gotten caught. He could have been anyone.”

“Regan, We’re stupidly hot women in our mid-thirties. This is the easiest it’s ever going to be. And that guy, he’s beautiful, and you’ll never see him again. You should find him and finish what you started.”

“I was thinking about it… but what if he saw my wedding ring?”

“Well if he did, it didn’t stop him. Not everyone cares about that. Did he seem like an asshole? When you were talking to him?”

I grab a handful of hair as the wind blows it around and lean in so I can speak quietly.

“Does asking for my panties make him an asshole?” I ask and then slap a hand over my mouth when her jaw drops. “Forget I said that.”

“Regan, there is no TMI between us,” she says when she recovers from her shock “It’s just…that’s hot. And he’s hot. He talks dirty and made you come without even touching you. Go find that man right now. If you don’t, I will. Did he have a big dick?”

I throw my head back and laugh, I don’t answer the last question, but my body tightens at the memory of his thick length.

I haven’t even considered an affair. But if I were to pick a man to do it with - that stranger, with his sharp, strong jaw, his full pink lips and the quiet, calm strength he exuded from every single part of his incredible body – would fit the bill.

My thighs clench at the thought of having that big, muscular body between my thighs. I haven’t had a man like him, ever.

My phone buzzes with a text and I look down. “It’s Marcel,” I say and read his text.

“Why aren’t you answering my calls? This is ridiculous.”

I delete it.

Matty’s hand covers mine and squeezes. “Play it cool and don’t be obvious, but the guy from the shuttle is here and he’s watching you,” Matty says under her breath.

I look up and pretend I’m looking around until I see him.

He doesn’t look away when he sees me notice him. I smile and wave.

After a beat, a smile tugs up one corner of his mouth and he waves back.

Matty nudges me “Go! Take him back to your room. Have fun.”

Why not?

It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted anyone, much less been able to act on it. And this is the perfect place. He doesn’t know me. I don’t know him. And there’s no denying the chemistry…

My phone buzzes again. I look down and frown when I see my mother’s name. Her timing is impeccable, as always. I turn away from Mr. Hot God, stand up and walk to a quieter section of the restaurant before I answer.

“Mommy?” My stomach lightens and my heart skips a beat when I hear my son’s teary voice.

“Henri, what’s wrong honey?”

“Where are you?” His little voice sounds so far away and yet I’m sure that if I closed my eyes I could reach out and touch him.

“Didn’t you get my letter today, baby?” I left each of them a note for every day I’m gone. My mother called it overkill, but it’s the first time I’ve been away for this long without them…and so soon after I went to visit Jack.

“Yeah, I did. But you didn’t say where you are,” he complains.

“I’m saying bye to a friend,” I remind him, gently.

“You can do that on the phone. I Copyright 2016 - 2024