Jameson (In the Company of Snipers #22) - Irish Winters Page 0,96

supporting the warfighter behind the wings, and I love everyone in this brave company of snipers. Can’t I just be who I already am? That’s all I want. To serve you and your guys. Your TEAM.”

He had the nerve to smile like he’d already known everything she was going to tell him. “Everyone who marries into, or is a part of, a military family serves,” he said extra gently. “Husbands, wives, children, and friends. Hell, even pets. Combat is never about what lies ahead, Maddie. It’s always about the people we leave behind. What’s this I hear about a loan shark?”

How embarrassing. “Yes, my ex… he left and…” What else was there to say? Good grief, she’d made a lot of bad choices in her life.

“Stop worrying. Those lucky bastards were inside the Black Rose when it blew. They won't be bothering you again. You’ve also got a new picture window, courtesy of Adam and Walker. A clean living room, too. Take a week off. Come back refreshed and ready to work. You’re needed here, Maddie. Sure hope you know that.”

Jameson had taken possession of her entire hand, and he was squeezing it, letting her know he was there for her. Like he had been since this scary, exhilarating, crazy operation began.

“Deal?” Alex asked.

“Deal. Thank you.”

“And you…” He turned on Jameson. “You’re quite an asset to my TEAM. Mark tells me you’re an expert in Krav Maga.”

“I’m a student,” Jameson clarified, his head cocked as if he were trying to figure Alex out.

Good luck with that.

“You took Delaney’s top assassins out inside that farmhouse. I’d say that makes you more than just a student.”

The sexiest blush crept up Jameson’s neck and spread over his cheeks. He cleared his throat, then said, “I’ve learned a lot since the incident. And yes, studying Krav Maga has opened doors for me.”

“I see that,” Alex murmured with something akin to respect. “You’ve earned a week off. Be in my office the following Monday. Until then...” Alex tossed the curtain aside and stalked out.

Jameson still had Maddie’s hand curled inside of his. He lifted her knuckles to his lips and asked, “Did you hear what he said about everyone who marries into military families?”

“I did,” she whispered, remembering his proposal. But she’d been married before. It hadn’t been much different than living under her dad’s thumb, well, except for the sex part. Even that she could’ve lived without. Until Jameson kissed her. He was different, more giving than taking. He tasted good and he smelled like heaven, even now when they were both grimy and sweat-stained. She’d orgasmed for the first time ever in his arms. She wanted to do that again. Did she dare believe she could ever be good enough for a man of his caliber?

“Are we going to your place or mine?”

Sucking in a trembling breath, she told him, “Yours, please.” To your bed, into your heart, anywhere… with you.

He closed his eyes, a dreamy smile on his lips. “Good answer. Let’s get out of here.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

There was something good and right when a man brought the woman he planned to marry, home to his apartment, no matter how humble the place was. Didn’t matter that she’d already said no, and that she needed more time. Jameson was no quitter.

It was well after midnight by the time The TEAM’s helicopter had touched down at Reagan National, after flying in from Boston. Mark and Harley both had someone waiting for them, probably their wives. Jameson ordered an Uber driver. But Alex and his father stayed onboard. Guess he lived near the Shenandoahs and flew back and forth by TEAM chopper every day. As Jameson’s mom would’ve said had she been there, “Well, la-di-da, aren’t we fancy?”

“Uh, Jameson?” Maddie asked from the doorway to his humble abode, where she’d come to a full stop instead of entering.

“Yes?” He was still holding her hand, waiting for her to join him. Hoping the apartment wasn’t too spartan or messy. He’d been rushed and focused on his upcoming interview the last time he’d been home. But along with his blindness had also come a touch of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Most of the time he put things precisely where they belonged. His place couldn’t look too bad. What didn’t she like?

“Umm, lights?”

Oh, that. Smiling to himself, he flicked the switch on the wall and instant—nothing. But he was used to the dark. “I don’t buy many lightbulbs. Did it come on? Can you see better now?”

“Wow. Very nice,” she

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