Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,28

to observe her for a week. She is a lot like you, but a lot different,” he replies. “It's the little expressions she makes, the things she says, her laugh, her body language... She truly is your twin. But she's different. She is not quite as outgoing as you are, she always has her nose in a book, and she can't sing. Trust me, I've heard her.”

I can't help but laugh. “She sounds awesome... I guess she got all the brains.”

I try to remember the last book I read, but I can't. It has been a long time, and just the thought of picking one up hurts my head.

“I wonder why she hasn't tried to contact me,” I say. “I mean, I've been in the spotlight for 4 years. Certainly she's seen me... Doesn't she wonder why we share the same face?”

“That is something that I do not know. You're going to have to ask Bridgett that question.”

Then a thought hits me... What if Bridgett doesn't want anything to do with me? Or what if she doesn't like me when she meets me.

“Are you sure she wants me to find her? What if she doesn't like me?” I ask. I've never considered myself an insecure person, but at the moment, I can't help but feel intimidated.

“Again, that's something you have to ask her... But, if I was her, I would never let you go,” he smiles. “Scarlett, she's your twin. How could she not love you?”

“I guess you're right,” I say, but I still worry.

2:30 pm

What do I do now?

Our plane lands around 1:30, and we drive straight to Bridgett's house from the airport. Now, I am sitting in a car, looking at her house, and trying to get up the nerve to get out of the car. I reach for the door handle for the twentieth time, and take a deep breath.

Bridgett's house is a small, one story brick home. It's in the suburbs, and it has a tiny yard. The houses are literally three feet away from each other. It is completely different than what I'm used to. Even before moving to LA, we had a pretty big house in Seattle.

“You can do this,” Andrew says, as I get out of the car.

I repeat his words to myself over and over again as I walk towards the house. As I get to the front door, it opens up before I get a chance to knock. A kid who looks about four, or five is looking up at me.

“What are ya doing out here, Bridgett?” she asks.

“Umm...” I'm not sure what to say to the child.

“Come play tea party with me,” she says, pulling my hand. I look back at the car with a what do I do now expression.

I stop her once she pulls me inside the house. “I'm not Bridgett. I'm Scarlett. Is Bridgett here?”

She laughs. “You're funny.”

Just then, I hear a voice. “Natalee, who are you talking to?” The voice sounds just like me. The little girl must have noticed too, because now she's staring at me.

I see Bridgett come around the corner of the hallway, and she stops in her tracks when she sees me. I feel my heart instantly stop, and then jump into overdrive at the sight of her. We both stare at each other, but it's not awkward. It's more like amazement. I'm not sure how long we look at each other, seconds, minutes? But neither of us say a word.

Bridgett is my identical twin. And if we were wearing the same clothes, I could swear that I was looking in a mirror. I'm even sure that our shocked expressions match.

“Whoa,” I hear the little girl say, breaking our trance.

Bridgett looks at the little girl, then at me. “Can I help you?” she says.

I still can't get over her voice. “I'm Scarlett Ryan,” I say. “And I think... we're... sisters... twins...”

She steps closer to me, her eyes never leaving mine. She has a determined look, and I can tell she's going to challenge me. I don't blame her. I didn't believe it, at least not until I saw her. Now, there is no doubting it. “When were you born?”

“July twenty seventh. I'm 19 years old,” I answer.

“Scarlett Ryan...” she says my name.

I have to ask. “Do you know who I am?”

She half laughs. “Everybody knows who you are. You're a rock star. And we can't be sisters. It's just a coincidence. The birthday, and the face...”

“Were you adopted?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she

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