Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,27

to sound like I didn't just wake up. I'm pretty sure that I failed.

“Hey, Scarlett. This is Andrew. My car should be at your house in approximately 15 minutes,” he says.

“Ok,” I say, pushing myself up. “Can you maybe give me a clue about this good/ bad news?”

“Let's just say that you won't believe it until you see it. See you soon.”

I end the call and get up. Last night, I didn't even wash off my makeup before bed. I was much too tired. So I throw my hair up in a messy bun, wash away all left over make up, and get dressed in a hurry. I just put on a white sundress, and designer flip flops.

As I walk down the stairs, my doorbell rings. I go to the door, and hesitate. I need a minute because I know that no matter what the news is, it's going to change my life. I've waited nine long years for this moment. And it's finally here. Or at least, I hope it is.

I take a deep breath and open the door. My P.I. is standing there, looking like he hasn't slept in days. His face is scruffy, he has circles under his eyes, and his blonde hair is starting to grow long.

“Come in,” I say.

Andrew follows me into the living room, and sits down on my white leather couch. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me, almost like he's puzzled.

“So, did you find Stacy?” I ask. I pace back and forth, and fidget with my fingers.

“I think you should sit down,” he instructs.

I don't hesitate, I sit. My legs feel like noodles. “Oh god, is it bad news?” I feel dread wash over me. I don't know if I can live with the news if she's dead.

He sighs. “I haven't found Stacy yet, Scarlett. I'm sorry.”

I feel relief for a second. No news means that she could very well be ok... But I'm also disappointed. I really wanted the news to be about Stacy. If the news isn't about her, then what is it?

“But, I found something else...” he pulls a large manila envelope out of his briefcase. “Did you know that you're adopted?”

It feels as though all of the oxygen has suddenly been sucked out of the room. “Excuse me?” I choke out. “I am not adopted.”

“You have another sister.” He opens the envelope, and hands me a photograph... It's a picture of me.

“Um...” I look back up at him. “This is me.”

“Look closer.”

So I do. The person in the picture looks exactly like me, but it's NOT me. Same long blonde hair, same blue eyes, same small body frame, and same smile... But the clothes are definitely not anything that I have ever worn. She's wearing a pair of jeans, but they're definitely not designer, and a t-shirt that is much too big for her. I also don't recognize where the picture was taken. It's definitely not anywhere I've been before.

“She looks so much like me...” I can't look away from the picture.

“This is Bridget Evans, and she is your twin sister.”

“My... my... tw... twin?” I feel my body start to tremble. How could I have gone 19 years without knowing that I have a twin sister? “No, certainly this is a mistake. She just looks a lot like me. She can't be my sister.”

“I assure you, it's not a mistake. Bridgett is your twin sister.” He takes the photograph from my hand. “What do you say about a trip to Columbia, South Carolina?”

I nod. I have to meet this girl. I have to know. “Let me pack, and we'll go.”

9:33 am

How could she not love you?

Since I have been traveling my whole life, I am very fast at packing. I throw everything together within five minutes, and by 9:33 am, I am boarding a private jet that Andrew arranged for us. I send Stephan a quick email.


There is some urgent family matters that I need to take care of. I do not know how long I will be gone. I'm sorry I can't say more right now, but I will update you as soon as I can.


I hit send, and then turn my phone on airplane mode. It feels weird sending him such a “formal” email considering how our relationship has grown, but I push it to the back of my mind. I lean back against the seat as the airplane takes off.

“Do you have any questions for me?” Andrew asks.

“Bridgett... What is she like?”

“I got

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