Vampire Moon(31)

I have my reasons.


Will you ever tell me what they are?




But not on here.


Exactly, he wrote. Not on here.


If not on here, then where? I asked.


That's the million dollar question.


I changed subjects. So what am I supposed to do about Danny?


Another long pause. I often wondered what Fang did during these long pauses. Was he going to the bathroom? Answering his cell phone? Sitting back and lacing his fingers behind his head as he thought about what he would write next?


Finally, after perhaps five minutes, his words appeared in the IM box: Danny has all the leverage.


I thought about that. Indeed, it had been something that occurred to me earlier, but I wanted to see what Fang had up his sleeve.


Keep going, I wrote.


Maybe it's time for you to take back the leverage.


I agree. Any idea how?


Something will come to you. Hey, how psychic are you these days, Moon Dance?