Vampire Moon(28)


"I got a call today from Danny. In fact, I got it just about a half hour ago. Your husband - or ex-husband - says that the two of you have an unwritten agreement that you will not be picking the kids up anymore."


"Yes, but - "


"He also says that you have agreed to supervised visits only. Is this true?"


Principal West was a good man, I knew that, and I could see that this was breaking his heart. I nodded and looked away.


He sighed heavily and pushed away from his desk, crossing his legs. "I can't allow you to see them without Danny being present, Samantha. I'm sorry."


"But I'm their mother."


He studied me for a long time before saying, "Danny also said that you are a potential danger to the kids, and that under no circumstances are you to be alone with them."


I was shaking my head. Tears were running down my face. I couldn't speak.


Principal West went on, "You're very ill, Sam. I can see that. Hell, anyone can see that. How and why you pose a threat to your children, I don't know. And what's going on between you and Danny, I don't know that, either. But I would suggest that before you agree to any more such terms, Sam, that you seek legal counsel first. I have never known you to be a threat. Outside of being sick, I have always thought you were a wonderful mother, but it's not for me to say - "


I lost it right there. I burst into tears and cried harder than I had cried in a long, long time. A handful of secretaries, the receptionist and even the school nurse surrounded me. Principal West watched me from behind his desk, and through my tears, I saw his own tears as well.


He wiped his eyes and got up. He put an arm gently around me and told me how sorry he was, and then escorted me out.

Chapter Nine


I hate all men, I wrote.


Even me?


Are you a man, Fang?