Vampire Moon(21)


"I might look like a major dork in the picture, but at least I look human. Granted, if you look close enough, there is a blank spot somewhere near my throat, where I had missed a patch of skin, but not too many people are looking at my throat."


"No," said Kingsley. "They're looking at the dork with her eyes closed."


I punched him in the arm. The force of my blow knocked him sideways.


"Ouch!" He rubbed his arm and grinned at me, and the light from the half moon touched his square teeth. Kingsley was a successful defense attorney in Orange County. A few months ago, he had hired me to investigate a murder attempt on his life. His case had come at a difficult time in my life. Not only had I just caught my husband cheating, the bastard had the gall to kick me out of my own home.


A very difficult time, to say the least. The wounds were still fresh and I was still hurting.


And I would be for a very long time.


Not the greatest time to start a new romance with a hunky defense attorney with massive shoulders and a tendency to shed.


"There are two people boffing over there," said Kingsley, looking off over his shoulder. "I think one of their names is Oh, Baby."


Kingsley's hearing was better than mine, which was saying something.


I grinned and elbowed him. "Will you quit eavesdropping."


He cocked his head to one side, and said, "I was wrong. His name is Oh, God."


I elbowed him again, and we sat silently some more. Our legs were touching. His thigh was about twice as wide as mine. We were both wearing jeans and sweaters.


I sensed Kingsley's desire to touch me, to reach out and lay his big hand over my knee. I sensed him forcibly controlling himself.


Down boy.


I was still looking out over the black ocean, which, to my eyes, wasn't so black. The air shimmered with light particles which flashed and streaked across the night sky. I often wondered what these streaking lights were. I didn't know for sure, but I had a working hypothesis. I suspected I was seeing the physical manifestation of energy itself. Perhaps I was being given a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the workings of our world.