Vampire Moon(17)

I said, "So do you think the crash was an accident?"


"You get right to the point," he said. "I like that."


"Must be the investigator in me."


He nodded, drank some more Jack and Coke. "No, this wasn't an accident. We know that much."


"How do you know that?"


He smiled. "We just know."


"Okay. So how did the plane crash?"


"All signs point to sabotage."


"Sabotage how?"


He was debating how much to tell me. I could almost see the wheels working behind his flirtatious eyes. No doubt he was computing the amount of information he could still give me and still not give up any real government secrets, and yet leave me satisfied enough to sleep with him tonight. A complex formula for sure.


Men are better at math than they realize.


He said, "Someone planted a small explosive in the rudder gears. The pilot heard the explosion, reported it immediately, and then reported that he had lost all control of the plane. Ten minutes later the plane crashed into the side of the San Bernardino Mountains."


"And everyone on board was killed?"


"Yes. Instantly."


"Is there any reason to believe that these key witnesses were killed to keep them from testifying?"