Moon River

Moon River by J R Rain, now you can read online.

Chapter One

I would miss Judge Judy today, which was always a damn shame. Judge Judy should be required viewing for anyone without a backbone. Tough woman. Fair woman. Scary woman.

My kind of woman.

Instead, I found myself being escorted by a young cop with perhaps the third- or fourth-cutest buns I’d ever seen. I ranked his buns right behind Rand’s, the UPS driver who’d turned out to be a vampire hunter. Officer Cute Buns led me down a hall that ended up being far too short. I had just barely started ogling him when he turned to me, smiled and motioned for me to enter.

I did so, smiling in return, and I think I might have—just might have—had me some smiling sex.

Whatever that was.

Waiting inside was, of course, Detective Sherbet. I knew he would be waiting for me because he’d called and asked me to come down and meet with him. I also knew he was inside because I could smell the bag of donuts from the hallway.

Who I wasn’t expecting was the tall guy sitting opposite the detective. He was tall and dark-haired and sporting shoulders nearly as wide as Kingsley’s. Nearly.

“Detective,” I said to Sherbet, who made no attempt to stand. Rude. Then again, the old detective had been gaining a little bit of weight these days, and he was veritably poured into that chair.

I heard that, he thought, telepathically catching my thoughts. The detective, among a small handful of others in my life, could read my thoughts...and I, theirs. I might have put on a little holiday weight.

It’s the summer, Detective. And there’s no ‘might have’ about it. I’m a trained observer.

Well, the Fourth of July is a big deal in the Sherbet household.

I grinned. He didn’t, although he did look down at his growing belly.

“I didn’t bring you in here to judge me,” said the detective.

“Excuse me?” said the other gentleman, who had been looking at me, but now snapped his head around to glance over at Sherbet.

Sherbet, unfortunately, still hadn’t quite gotten the hang of telepathic communication with someone like me. The old guy would occasionally blurt his thoughts, rather than think them. Rookie.

“Nothing,” said Sherbet. He motioned to the partially masticated pink donut with rainbow sprinkles. “Samantha Moon likes to give me a hard time about my donuts.”

“I didn’t say anything, Detective,” I said, shrugging innocently.

“You didn’t have, let’s cut the crap. Samantha, this is Detective Sanchez from the Los Angeles Police Department.”

He stood like a true gentleman, reached over and shook my hand with a firm but soft grip. His grip told me a lot: confident, warm, comfortable with himself. Most important: human.

I’d had my hand in my jeans pocket where I had been holding a hand warmer. Yes, a hand warmer. They sold them at the local market...and they did wonders for creatures like me. If I knew a handshake was imminent, I could pop one of these open, grip it in my pocket...and shake hands with confidence.

Sherbet asked me to have a seat, and I did, next to Sanchez.

“Boy,” I said. “Two big, bad homicide detectives and just little ol’ me. I feel honored.”

“Cut the crap, Sam,” said Sherbet. “We’re going to need you on this one.”

Sanchez listened to this exchange and smiled. An easy smile. Friendly. But there was a strength to his jaw, and the way his forearms rippled as he moved slightly. He sported a thick, gold wedding ring. He said, “You were a federal agent, Ms. Moon?”

“Call me Samantha. And yes. For a few years.”

“You’re too young to retire. Sorry if I’m prying. Call it occupational spillover. Sometimes, I can’t stop asking questions.”

I nodded. I understood completely. I said, “I developed a...condition.”

“A condition that kept you from working as a federal agent?”

“No. A condition that kept me out of the sun. It’s called xeroderma pigmentosum and it’s a bitch.”