Moon Dance(35)


"I'm so sorry," I said when she opened the door. "I didn't mean to stick you with the kids all night."


"Not your fault. I love them, anyway. Tell me you at least made some headway on your case."


"Some headway," I admitted. I left out the part about Kingsley being a werewolf but did mention the guy in the parking lot.


"Maybe he was just some creep," said Mary Lou, frowning. "I mean you are, after all, a hot piece of ass."


"Always nice to hear from your sister," I said.


"I say don't let it worry you."


"I won't," I said. "I can take of myself."


"I know," she said. "That's what worries me."


With the kids in the backseat sleeping, I called Danny's office. He wasn't there; I left a voice mail message. Next I called his cell phone and he answered just before it went to voice mail. He sounded out of breath. Something was wrong here and warning bells sounded loud and clear in my head. I did my best to ignore them, although I couldn't ignore the fact that I had suddenly gotten sick to my stomach.


"Where are you?" I asked.


"Working late," he answered huskily.


"You doing push ups?" I said, trying to smile.


"Just ran up a flight of stairs. Bathroom on this floor isn't working."


"You didn't pick up your work phone."


"You know I never pick up after hours."