Moon Dance(30)


"Isn't that what the kids say these days?" he said.


"Just how old are you, Mr. Fulcrum?"


"Never mind that," he said. "The question on the table is a simple one: do you believe I'm a werewolf?"


"No," I said.


"Do you believe you are a vampire?" he asked.


I hesitated. "No."


"Fine," he said. "Is your husband cheating on you?"


"Why would you say that?" I asked.


"I assume he is," said Kingsley. "I assume he's terrified of you and he doesn't know what to do about it yet, especially with the kids in the picture."


"Shut up, Kingsley."


"And since you're not denying it, I will also go as far as to assume he's a son-of-a-bitch for abandoning you in the hour of your greatest need."


"Please, shut up."


"I also know something else, Mrs. Moon. He will take the kids from you and there isn't a single goddamn thing you can do about it."


Something came over me, something hot and furious. I flashed out of the client chair and was on Kingsley before he could even uncross his arms. My left hand went straight for his throat, slamming him hard against the wall. Too hard. The back of his head crashed through the drywall. Teeth bared, I looked up into his face�Dand the asshole was actually grinning at me, with half his head still in the wall. His hair and shoulders were covered in plaster dust.


"Shut the hell up!" I screeched.