Moon Dance(3)


"I was a federal agent."


He didn't say anything, and I could feel his eyes on me. God, I hate when I can feel eyes on me. The silence hung for longer than I was comfortable with and I answered his unspoken question. "I had an accident and was forced to work at home."


"May I ask what kind of accident?"




He raised his eyebrows and nodded. He might have turned a pale shade of red. "Do you have a list of references?"


"Of course."


I turned to my computer, brought up the reference file and printed him out the list. He took it and scanned the names briefly. "Mayor Hartley?" he asked.


"Yes," I said.


"He hired you?"


"He did. I believe that's the direct line to his personal assistant."


"Can I ask what sort of help you gave the mayor?"




"I understand. Of course you can't pulge that kind of information."


"How exactly can I help you, Mr. Fulcrum?" I asked again.


"I need you to find someone."