Moon Dance(24)

"I love you."


"I love you, too."


"I've got to get going. Don't wait up."


That was our little joke now. Of course, being a creature of the night, all I could do lately was wait up.


He hung up the phone.

It was evening.


I was pacing inside the foyer of my house. The muscles along my neck were tense and stiff. Outside, through the partly open curtain, I could see the upper curve of the setting sun.


I continued to pace. Breathing was always difficult at this time of day. I was making a conscious effort to inhale and exhale, to fill my lungs as completely as I could.


In and out.




Keep calm, Samantha Moon. You'll be all right.


Nevertheless, a sense of panic threatened to overcome me. The source of the panic was the sun. Or, rather, the presence of the sun. Because I did not, and could not, feel fully alive until that son-of-a-bitch disappeared behind the horizon.


I checked the curtain again. The sun was still burning away in all its glory.


Crap! Had the earth stopped in mid-orbit? Was I doomed to feel half-alive for the rest of my life?


Panic. Pure unabated panic.


I breathed.