Moon Dance(19)


"The one with the padlock?" she asked. I think her own blood drained from her face.


"Yes," I answered.


"What happens if you don't drink blood?"


"Probably shrivel up and die."


"Do you want to change the subject?" she asked gently.


She knew my moods better than anyone, even my husband. "Please."


Mary Lou grinned. She caught the attention of the bartender and pointed to her martini. He nodded. The bartender was cute, a fact not lost on Mary Lou.


"So what case are you currently working on?" she asked, stealing glances at the man's posterior.


"You done checking out the bartender?"


She reddened. "Yes."


So I told her about my case. She remembered seeing it on TV.


"Any leads yet?" she asked, breathless. Mary Lou tended to think that what I did for a living was more exciting than it actually was. Her drink came but she ignored it.


"No," I said. "Just hunches."


"But your hunches are better than most anyone's."


"Yes," I said. "It's a side effect."