
Frustrated, I released a slow, soft sigh, then took my hand from his chest.

Immediately, he grabbed it, then put it back exactly where it was. Only once I was touching him again did he open his eyes, and the pure longing I saw there made me want to pull him close. To kiss him. To burst into song.

Instead, I stayed perfectly still, afraid that I was seeing too much. Expecting too much.

“Kat,” he finally said, his voice so full of heat and tenderness that I was certain I would melt.


“Two things.”

I nodded.

“From now on, answer your phone when I call. I don’t care what else you’re doing, if it’s me, you answer the phone.”

My heart fluttered. “Yes.” And then I remembered the books I’d read, the movies I’d seen. “Yes, sir,” I added, and was rewarded with an amused curve to his lips. “And the second thing?”

“I want you in my bedroom,” he said. “And, Kat? I want you naked.”

I grinned. “Funny. I want that, too.”


When he came into the bedroom with the wine and our glasses, I was sitting on the end of his bed naked, my fingers lightly stroking my sex. He paused just inside the doorway, then slowly raked his gaze over me, starting at my toes and then moving up to meet my eyes.

“How very bold you’ve become, blondie.”

How right he was. I was shameless with this man. Wanting everything, and more than willing to play dirty to get what I wanted.

Right then, I was playing as dirty as I knew how. I arched my back, spread my legs just a bit wider, and slowly thrust two fingers deep inside myself. “I was hoping to give you ideas,” I said. “Like subliminal suggestions.”

His mouth twitched. “Oh, really?”

“I want you to fuck me, Cole. I want your cock inside me.” I moved my hips in time with my fingers, and saw the way that he watched the show—and the way he was watching got me even hotter. “I intend to get what I want. I promise you, I can be very persuasive.”

“I bet you can,” he said. He put the wine and the glasses on a nearby table and took a single step toward me. “I believe I told you to come in here, get undressed, and lay down on the bed while I went and got some wine.”

“You said that,” I admitted. “I think I mentioned that I’ve never been very good at following the rules.”

“I assume you know what happens to girls who are naughty?” He gave the drawstring on his sweats a tug, then let them fall from his hips to the ground. He stepped out of them, then walked naked toward me, fully erect, huge, and intimidating as hell.

I swallowed, then shifted my gaze up from his cock to his face. I stood up and walked toward him. “Just so you know, I intend to be even more naughty.”

I put my hands on his hips, then sank to my knees in front of him. Slowly—so deliciously slowly—I ran my tongue along the length of his erection, pausing to pay special attention to the tip.

He shuddered, then moaned, then said my name, his voice hoarse and full of longing. I didn’t reply. Instead, I drew him in, then tasted him, teased him—took him as far as I could.

I clutched his ass with my hands, felt the way his hands twined in my hair, the way he took control of my head and the rhythm of my thrusts, making me go farther and deeper than I had been.

I liked it—knowing I was making him harder. Hotter. Knowing that he wanted this and that it was me who was making his pleasure grow, making this tension and passion build up so hard and so fast. He was close—so damn close. I could tell from the tightness of his body and the way his fingers tightened in my hair. I could tell from the tempo of his breath and the way small shudders burst through his body, radiating all the way through me.

He was going to come—and damned if knowing that didn’t make me even hotter. I was so wet, so turned on that I thought I might come, too, simply from the pleasure of knowing that I took Cole August over the edge.

And then, without warning, he stepped back, pulling me off him so that I was sitting on my heels, gasping and wet and desperate to finish him off. To feel him explode and know that I did that—that I brought him there.

“On the bed,” he said, his voice all command and sensuality.

I must have hesitated, because he took my arm and lifted me to my feet, then slid his hand between my legs to stroke my sex. My knees went weak, and I sank onto his hand, so it was only the pressure of his palm cupping my sex that kept me from falling.