It's My Life - Stacie Ramey Page 0,59

the only way I can escape from my life. The one I was given. The one my parents are in charge of. The one that was changed one day because some asshole doctor just couldn’t focus. Medical malfeasance. The two worst words in the world. I never really minded the CP before I found out about the malfeasance. It was always just how it was. Eric got weird hair that never looks combed. Rena got horribly crooked teeth, including a big fang that jutted out before she spent three and a half years with braces on. And I got CP. The surgeries and therapies were part of my life.

Until that day.

I usually don’t text Julian at school, but I can’t resist today.

C’mon. You going to the dance? We had a deal.

I check to make sure he’s not looking at me. He isn’t. I write back.


The boy practically jumps out of his seat. I can see him lean forward like he’s in hockey-determination mode.


I want to dance with you. Tell me you’ll dance with me.

I’m not a good dancer.

So we’ll dance slow. I like slow ones better, anyway.

Hold on, cowboy, let’s take this one step at a time…

You said you’re going. I’m going to live with that all day!

And I smile.

That’s a big mistake, though, because that’s the moment Ben’s eyes lock on mine. “Be careful.” He points one of his french fries at me, and his gaze doesn’t waver. “You. Me. Strategy session later.”

* * *

After school Ben and I hold court in our game room. Mom brings a tray of snacks.

Popcorn for Ben. Crackers with thin slices of sharp white cheddar cheese on top. Meanwhile Julian is blowing up my cell. And I’m trying not to look at it.

“You are playing with fire, girl,” Ben says. “What’s your plan?”

“Honestly, this is the first time I’ve felt normal in forever. You. Me. Movies. Can’t we just keep it light?”

More texts.

Ben points. “The question is, can he?”

I shift my phone to silent. Then put it against my forehead. “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.” I hand it to Ben. “Advise me, oh wise one.”

“Hmmm, let’s see.” He starts scrolling through our messages. “The boy likes to beg.”

I reach for the phone and he holds it out of my reach while reading the texts out loud. “Oh, Elsa, won’t you tell me who you are? It pains me. It…makes me swoon.”

“He did not say that.”

He stands on the couch. Literally stands so I can’t get the phone.

“That’s cheating! And me in a cast!”

Ben rubs one finger over his eyebrows, the same ones he claims are perfect even without any work. “I’m embellishing.” His smile is huge and reaches his eyes, which makes me laugh, too. “A little.”

Mom comes in carrying more snacks. Her eyes point to my cast. “Maybe take it a little easy?”

Ben slides back into his seat like a gentleman and hands me my phone. “Sorry, Mrs. Cohen.”

She shines a big smile at him. “I’ll just leave you two to it, but not too late. It’s a school night.”

“We have a late start tomorrow. Remember? PSAT for the sophomores.”

“Ha! I did forget. Carry on.”

The second she’s out of the room I turn back to Ben. “So help me with my textual relationship.”

Ben drinks some of the Coke that Mom only buys for him. We aren’t allowed soda normally. Dr. Brown’s for holidays, but nothing else. But anything for Ben.

“Welp…” Ben waves me along, gesturing with a celery stalk filled with peanut butter and raisins on top. Also one of Ben’s faves that Mom makes just for him. God knows I can’t chew those. “It feels like you’re going to have to come clean at the dance.”

My phone starts buzzing again.

Ben nods toward it. “Prince Charming?”

“I’m assuming.”

“So let me get this straight, the boy is begging you to do God knows what and now you don’t even want to hear from him anymore?”

“No. Of course I do, but I’ve got this unmasking-myself problem.”

Ben puts a hand on my arm. “We’ll figure it out.”

I stare at Julian’s texts. “So…how do I do it? How do I unmask myself?”

Ben grabs the remote from me and toggles until he gets to A Cinderella Story. “Relax, Elsa. Like any project, we just need research.”

I take a bite of popcorn. “If you say so.”

Ben lays his hand on my knee. “I say so.”

We both sit back and watch the movie. No more texts from Julian. He must have figured out I was busy. Copyright 2016 - 2024