It Came from the Sky - Chelsea Sedoti Page 0,77

unveil the mysteries of the cosmos and revel in the magnificent new gift humanity has been given.”

“He sure has stage presence,” Cass said with admiration.

“And he’s so handsome,” Arden breathed from my other side.

I refused to acknowledge either statement.

“Now I wanna tell you my story,” Oswald said.

Many people in the crowd nodded eagerly.

Oswald took a deep breath and cast his gaze around, conveying that he was sharing some great, personal secret. “When I was a boy, I was lost. I was lonely. I floated through my days without a plan.”

More nods. Some sprinkled clapping.

“Then one day, I woke. I realized the only person in charge of my destiny was me. If I wanted more from life, I had to reach out and take it, because no one was gonna hand it to me.”

Well, I didn’t disagree with that.

“You know what I did after that awakenin’? I studied. I saved money. I started a company that brought in over a million dollars in its first year alone.” The myTality™ distributors cheered. Oswald went on. “I took control. I changed my life. Now, my destiny belongs to no one but me!”

Oswald paced back and forth on the observation deck giving his words a moment to sink in. The crowd was enthralled.

After a perfectly timed pause, he raised the bullhorn again. His voice came out distorted but still had that powerful timbre that made people pay attention. “Now, I’ve told people this story, and you know what they’ve said? They’ve said, But Oz, I’m not as smart as you. They’ve said, I’m not as driven as you. They’ve said, I don’t know how to change.”

He stopped and faced the crowd head-on again, looking solemn. “Tonight, I’m telling you the honest truth. I’m not smarter or savvier than anyone. I’m like each and every one of you, with one exception: I had help along the way.” He raised a finger and pointed at the sky. “I had an extraterrestrial influence.”

The crowd went wild, distributors and Seekers alike. He’d hooked them all. Even Cass and Arden cheered along.

“Could you please contain yourselves?” I asked them.

Cass laughed, the tinsel in her hair sparkling in the glow of streetlamps. “If you want me to sit through this, you have to let me have fun.”

Arden only shrugged, but there was no denying the happy flush in her cheeks and the way her eyes shone.

“I was visited by aliens,” Oswald preached. “And they told me there was a greater path for me. These Visitors gave me formulas for health products that could cleanse our bodies, and in doing so allow us to work toward spiritual enlightenment. But they also told me something bigger was coming. Something that would change the whole world and allow us to live in harmony with the universe.”

The crowd seemed to take a collective breath, hanging on Oswald’s every word, waiting for this reveal.

“And now, in this humble town, the Visitors have come again. They’ve made good on their promise,” Oswald said. “They’ve given me the fountain of youth.”

The myTality™ distributors clapped and whooped with excitement. The Seekers and Lansburg locals were slightly more hesitant.

“Imagine havin’ perfect health,” Oswald said. “Imagine never again feelin’ the restraints of time. Imagine knowin’ that the future stretched before you eternally and in that future you’d have the power to do anything you wanted to do, become anything you wanted to become.”

Around me, people slowly nodded.

“By combining ingredients found on Earth with others that come from the farthest bounds of the cosmos, I’m mixin’ up a product unlike anything our world’s seen before.” Oswald paused dramatically. “It’s called…the Elixir ETernia.”

Transcript of Oct. 13 Radio Broadcast of Basin And Range Radio

NASH: Live from the loneliest corner of the Mojave, you’re listening to Basin and Range Radio, where we keep an eye on the night sky. This is your host, Robert Nash. Tonight, we’re talking to a very special guest. Listeners, please welcome J. Quincy Oswald.

OSWALD: Thanks, Rob. I’m thrilled to chat with you. And please, call me Oz.

NASH: Now, Oz here has experienced direct contact with extraterrestrials. Why don’t you tell us about that?

OSWALD: Most people know me as the founder of myTality, a successful line of health products. But don’t be fooled—I may not have spoken openly about the Visitors before now, but they’ve been present in my life.

NASH: More than present. They’re sending you messages.

OSWALD: Sure are. I’ve been in communication with the Visitors since adolescence. My most recent abduction was just last week, from right here in Copyright 2016 - 2024