Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,54

he had a say in the matter.

Logan was glad to see that not much of Toni’s considerable bosom was actually showing. Her shirt was buttoned around the camera so that the lens protruded from her cleavage, but those perfect breasts of his, of hers, were out of view. He suddenly had a powerful need to stir her up a little.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “I think you should keep that camera rolling while I fuck you later.”

Her face reddened as he knew it would, but she whispered, “I think all the jiggling would make anyone who watched it motion sick.”

He chuckled. Okay, yes, he liked that he had been her first and that he was her only lover, but he liked her quick wit even more. He loved how she’d get all embarrassed but still said things he didn’t think would ever come out of her mouth.

“So whose idea was the cleavage cam?” he asked.

“Mine. It’s impossible to get anyone’s attention when Max is around.”

“Tell me about it,” Logan grumbled.

“So I figured if they wouldn’t talk to me, maybe they’d talk to my boobs. Okay, who’s next?” she called out.

Logan leaned toward her chest. “I’m Logan Schmidt, and I’ve been a fan of Toni’s boobs for almost a day now.”

She laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t tease.”

“Who’s teasing? They’re amazing.” He moved his mouth close to her ear. “I can’t wait to squeeze them together around my cock and fuck them until I come all over your chest.”

“Oh! So that’s how a guy fucks tits,” she blurted loudly. Very loudly.

Everyone within earshot burst out laughing. She stood perfectly still for a long moment. Logan feared she’d need CPR if she didn’t take a breath soon. He didn’t know CPR, but he was definitely ready for some more mouth-to-mouth with her.

“Everyone knows that,” she announced after an uncomfortably long minute and laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more until Logan decided she was on the verge of hysteria.

He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Come on, sweetie,” he said. “Let’s take a little break outside. You look like you need some fresh air.” She looked like she needed a psychiatric evaluation, but there was no way he was stupid enough to say that.

Toni swallowed hard and nodded vigorously. Holding her hand securely in his, Logan led her to the back of the stadium near where the buses were parked. He lifted her to sit on a loading dock and stood in front of her knees, waiting for her to say something.

“I’m so sorry I’m stupid about this stuff,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“I’m not embarrassed,” he assured her. He was smitten by her. He even thought she looked beautiful under the orange glare of the streetlights.

She smiled softly and shook her head. “You don’t have to lie to save my feelings, Logan. I’m a big girl.”

“I’m not lying.” He lifted her hand from her lap and kissed her wrist. “I wish I could fast-forward time a couple of hours so the show would be over and I could teach you more about making love,” he said. And you can teach me how to love someone.

She wrapped her arms around his head and hugged him to her abdomen. “Why are you so nice to me?”

His chuckle was muffled against her belly. “I have ulterior motives.”

“Such as?”

“Making you mine.” Shit. Why had he said that? He was showing his cards much too soon.

She slapped his shoulder. “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”

He wished he could say he didn’t mean it. He didn’t particularly want to be so far gone. Ah, what the fuck—he liked her. A lot. She was just going to have to learn to live with it. If he could admit it, surely she could accept it.

“I mean it, Toni.” He untangled his head from her grasp so he could look up at her. “I really do like you. And it isn’t just lust.” For once in his dick-led life. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Even when you’re not in my bed, you’re in my head. It’s driving me crazy. I’m not sure how to handle it.”

She smiled, and he saw her feelings displayed clearly in her eyes. “You’re going to break my heart someday.” She released a sigh and stared over his head as she spoke. “I really like you too, Logan. But maybe it’s best if we pretend the only thing between us is lust. If I Copyright 2016 - 2024