Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,53

his elbows resting on its back and his fingers linked together.

“I didn’t mean you should stop,” the woman protested.

Steve ignored her. “So are you going to hit him back?” he asked Dare. “Because that’s something I’d like to see.”

“No,” Dare said. “I have a better way to get back at him.”

A chill raced down Logan’s spine. He had no doubt that Dare was capable of ripping his guts out if he had a mind to. “Just hit me. Get it over with.”

Dare chuckled coldly and then let himself out of the dressing room without another word.

“Shit,” Logan said. “What do you think he’s going to do?”

“I’d keep a close eye on Toni if I were you,” Steve said. “You know if he shows the slightest interest in a woman, her panties are around her ankles in less than five seconds.”

“He wouldn’t do that. He knows I like her.”

“Are you sure? I think he’s pretty pissed off at you.”

Dare wasn’t someone you wanted to piss off. And Logan had decked him in the nose. In front of a crowd of people. Logan rubbed his forehead with one hand. So what should he do about this? It was too late to take it back. He guessed he’d just follow Steve’s advice and keep an eye on Toni. As if that would be a chore.

“Can we finish now?” an annoyed voice said from the sofa.

Steve rolled his eyes at Logan and then disappeared from view again. Logan let himself out of the dressing room before their porn sounds gave him wood.

Keeping an eye on Toni turned out to be easier said than done. He didn’t want to be blatantly obvious to everyone in the room that he had the hots for her. Not with members of the press for the entire city of Eugene, Oregon, watching his every move. At least Dare didn’t seem to have Toni on his agenda. For now in any case. He had regained his sphere of cool, and everyone was keeping an appropriate distance from the guitar god. Logan spotted Toni talking to the church lady, who was trying her damnedest to gain Max’s attention. Toni had a camera in one hand and a tape recorder in the other and was spouting off questions he couldn’t hear over the din of conversation. Logan decided it was his best bet to find something else to occupy his time.

Beer worked.

He grabbed a bottle from the nearest ice chest and leaned against a wall. It didn’t take fans long to notice he was alone. A particularly talkative young woman decided his ear was free and spent the next twenty minutes telling him about every band she’d ever seen in concert. “Exodus End is the best, of course. I’m looking forward to Sinners’ show tonight too.”

“Great band,” Logan said. He deliberately drained the rest of his beer.

“I think I’ll skip Riott Actt, though. I don’t know any of their songs.”

“You really shouldn’t. You’ll regret it someday.”

At a raucous round of laughter from Max’s general direction, Logan straightened and craned his neck to see what fun he was missing.

“I want to talk to the cleavage cam next,” someone insisted.

Cleavage cam?

Logan decided he’d done his duty for the evening. He handed his empty bottle to the blabbering fan and went to investigate the cleavage cam. That sounded right up his alley.

He wasn’t sure if Toni had come up with the idea of holding the camera between her luscious breasts or if Max had put her up to it. Whoever had come up with the idea had made Toni a complete hit with every male in the room. All in good fun, but if any of them put their hands on her . . .

Logan took a deep breath. Why was he so insistent on claiming her as his alone? He definitely liked the idea that no other dude had ever been inside her, but that couldn’t possibly be the only reason he was so wrapped up in the woman. So protective of her. Overprotective. He couldn’t help himself. He squeezed through the crowd until he stood beside her.

“I’m Dennis Brown. I won my guest pass from a radio show. I’ve been an Exodus End fan for fourteen years and I saw my first Ex-End concert with my parents when I was ten.” The fan spoke into the microphone clipped to Toni’s shirt.

Ugh. He’d seen his first show when he was ten? That made Logan feel old. But thirty-two wasn’t so old, was it?

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