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Yeah, he had totally deserved that. He was sure Dare had put two and two together. Max and Steve were probably oblivious, but Dare was too fucking perceptive for his own good.

“What’s going on?” Steve asked.

Logan tensed. All he needed was for his entire band to know he’d defiled a virgin and was now hiding from her in his bunk.

“Don’t worry about it,” Dare said.

Logan was one hundred percent certain that Dare was being tight-lipped for Toni’s sake, not his. Logan rolled onto his side and stared at the wall. Things were going to become mighty uncomfortable on this bus if he didn’t set them right. He had no fucking clue how to do that.

May 2

Dear Journal,

Today didn’t go exactly as planned. Apparently the band wasn’t expecting me and for a while there, I wasn’t sure I was going to get to start the book, much less finish it. But after they straightened it out with their manager and Max admitted that he had known I was coming, I was allowed on the bus and even got some really good material when they ran to interact with their fans behind the stadium.

I can’t express how excited I am to be involved with their book. They are all so cool.

Okay, first impressions of the guys.

Maximillian Richardson or Max. He’s surprisingly calm. I don’t know what I was expecting. I guess watching all that high-energy concert footage gave me a mistaken perception of him. But of the four guys, he definitely seems to be the most . . . What’s a good way to describe him? Professional? I guess that’s the right word. He’s also incredibly gorgeous—especially his ass. Lordie! But he doesn’t look like a rocker the way the rest of them do. I could easily imagine him as a high-profile CEO in a tailored Armani suit. I wonder why he chose to become the singer of a metal band. I need to make sure I ask him that for the book.

Darren Mills or Dare. This guy has presence. You can’t help but notice him. It’s as if a strange gravitational force surrounds him and sucks all attention right to him. The weird thing is, he doesn’t seem to do anything consciously. He’s not trying to be the center of attention, he just is. He’s another one who is knockout gorgeous—honestly, they are all. But he 100 percent looks the rock star part. As if he was born to play the guitar and have millions of fans. Maybe it’s the hair. It’s jet black and barely touches his shoulders, but I don’t think there are many men who could pull off that length. I’m totally jealous of how silky smooth it is, like rich black satin. I need to ask him what conditioner he uses. Maybe it would calm my rat’s nest. And he has the most gorgeous green eyes.

Steve Aimes seems like a lot of fun. A bit of a jokester. Energetic. From what I can tell, he really likes women. Really likes women. He’s really good looking too. Especially his abs. Oh my God, he has an eight-pack. I thought my eyes were going to fall out of their sockets from staring at them so long. Haha!

Logan Schmidt. I’m not sure I get him at all. Even if he did take my virginity. I still can’t believe it happened, but I’ll get to that story later. I still haven’t fully processed it yet. Logan doesn’t seem to take anything seriously. He’s this happy-go-lucky kind of guy with a great smile, and he has these amazing blue eyes that seem to stare right into your soul and thick wavy hair that is probably really curly if he doesn’t tame it. He also seems to use good hair products.

Note to self: Go to the salon.

Logan reminds me of a surfer dude. He’s very tanned—except for where shorts would be—and he’s pretty pale down there (yes, I checked when I had the chance!)—but it’s not an artificial tan. He looks like he spends a lot of time outdoors. I wonder if he likes to play sports. Everyone knows I suck at sports.

Speaking of things I suck at, we can add sex to that list. Logan said it himself. I heard him telling the guys that it wasn’t very good. And what he said hurt, but what hurt worse was I know he’s right. I’m not good at it. I assume other people know what to do and how to behave their first Copyright 2016 - 2024