Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,22

shoulders and thrust hard and deep. She tilted her head back and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping to keep the tears locked behind her lashes. Damn, that hurt. His lips brushed her jaw, her throat. He slowed his strokes as he kissed every inch of her face.

“Beautiful Toni,” he whispered, “you’re not enjoying this as much as I am.”

Actually, it wasn’t so bad now that the initial sting had eased. The slower strokes were almost pleasant. Given time, she might even learn to like it. Maybe. Okay, probably not. Why did women claim to enjoy this? It hurt like hell.

Logan paused and stroked her hip with his fingertips. “Am I hurting you?”

“A little,” she whispered.

“You should have said something. Try wrapping your legs around my waist.”

She shifted and wrapped her legs around him. “Like this?”

“Just like that. Now stop thinking so much and feel me.”

How did he know she was thinking? It wasn’t like she could shut her brain off anyway. What kind of ridiculous request—

“Toni?” he murmured. He spoke her name as if he treasured her. Her heart expanded in her chest as if in full bloom. Why was she feeling this way? She knew there was no emotional connection between them. She was just another girl in another place willing to spread her legs for him. She had to remember that. He was her first, so she wasn’t sure if she could maintain the same detachment he felt, but she would try. Still, she wasn’t stupid enough to think anything would come of this. But at least she wasn’t a damned virgin anymore.

Logan caught her gaze. “Be with me.”

Oh, he was gorgeous. She couldn’t look away. All she could think about was how expressive his blue eyes were and how full she felt with him buried inside her. Full, but no longer in agony.

And then he started to move. Slow. Deep. Gentle thrusts.

Her breath caught and her mouth opened in surprise as sensation flooded her.

There was no pain now. Only exquisite pleasure.

She rocked with him, caught in his sultry beat. As it had before, a need inside her began to build. He gradually increased his tempo. She allowed him to carry her away to a place where carnal desires ruled and there was no room for contemplation.

“That’s it,” he murmured. “You feel me now, don’t you?”

She nodded slightly, still lost in his gaze. Her body lost in bliss.

“Are you with me?”

“Yes, I’m with you.”

“I’m with you too. You’re amazing inside, Toni.”

She bit her lip. She knew he meant inside her body, not inside her heart. Not inside her soul. Not even inside her mind. She wanted only the physical, but found separating the physical from the emotional was a lot harder than she bargained for. Sharing something this intimate, even with a virtual stranger, tugged at feelings she wished she could deny. Toni slipped her hands into his thick curls and urged his sensual mouth to mate with hers. While kissing him, she could pretend that he really liked her. Pretend he loved her. He’d never know. He’d just think she really liked kissing, not that she was pouring her heart into the gesture. Stupid, Toni. What are you doing? She kissed him more desperately. Her hands moved to explore his sweat-slick back, his firm ass, and the taut muscles that flexed beneath his skin with each thrust. She wished they could have more than this one time. Wished she could learn how to please him and all the ways her body could be pleased in return. She knew as soon as he figured out she’d misled him, he would be finished with her. But maybe he wouldn’t find out. Maybe she could convince him that she was only interested in a sexual relationship and was game for anything. What man would refuse that kind of arrangement?

“You’re thinking again,” Logan said. “How does a guy get a brainy woman to stop thinking while he fucks her?”

“I’m sorry. I tend to do more thinking than fu . . . screwing.”

He chuckled. “Maybe we can do something about that.”

“I sure hope so.”

He shifted his body off hers slightly, and his hand moved down between their bodies. She had no idea what his intention was until his fingers brushed her clit.

“Let’s disengage that brain of yours.” He rubbed her clit with rapid, thought-shattering precision. He rocked his hips, sliding within her slightly as he brought her higher and higher with his touch. It was a moment before she realized she was Copyright 2016 - 2024