Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,21

and the rest of his clothes. She couldn’t stop staring at his body. The man obviously worked out. Long, lean muscles flexed beneath his suntanned skin with each movement. She wanted to explore every inch of him. With her gaze. And her hands. And her mouth. She covered her tingling lips with the back of her hand, glad he couldn’t read her sinful thoughts. How would he react if she acted on impulse? What would he do?

Logan tore open a small square package and unrolled a condom over his massive cock. Oh wow, this was really going to happen. He was going to shove himself inside her and get rid of her blasted virginity once and for all. But how on earth would that thing fit inside her? He was huge! Were all penises that enormous? The ones she’d glimpsed on the Internet tended to be, but she was pretty sure they were enlarged with Photoshop. There was no artificial enlargement going on here. She could see it with her own eyes. Logan grabbed the base and tilted his cock up and down. Toni followed its movement like a drunk taking a sobriety test.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I might think you’re only interested in my body,” Logan said.

Still unable to tear her gaze from his cock, she said, “I’m sure there are a lot of interesting things about you.”

He shook his head. “Nope. Not really.”

Toni stretched out on the sofa and spread her arms. “Come.”

“I’m sure I will, but I plan to take my time getting there.”

He settled on top of her, supporting his upper body on his elbows. She was distinctly aware of his bare belly against hers, the way the hair on his chest teased her nipples, and that his cock was mere inches from where she wanted it.

He stroked her hair from her face and stared down into her eyes. “What do you look like without . . .”

He plucked her glasses from her nose and set them on the floor.

“My glasses! I can’t see a thing without my glasses.” She patted his face and chest as if searching for her lost glasses.

He laughed. Not five seconds too late, right on time. “Are you nearsighted?”

“That’s an understatement.”

“Can you see me?”

She could see him perfectly fine at this close distance. Expressive blue eyes. Strong jaw. Straight nose. Smiling lips. “No,” she said, becoming quite adept at lying in recent moments. “Closer.”

He moved closer. “Can you see me now?”


When he inched closer, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Mmm,” he murmured and kissed her in return. He shifted his weight onto one arm so he could run his free hand up her pliant flesh. Everywhere he touched—breast, side, waist, hip—sparks of excitement danced across her skin. Logan shifted sideways, and she felt his thick cock prod her opening. She kissed him more desperately, her eyes squeezed shut, every muscle in her body tense. It will be over in a minute, she told herself. And then you never have to worry about it again. Just let him in. Let him in.

“You okay?” Logan’s words vibrated against her desperate lips. “You’re so tense.”

She concentrated on relaxing. She wished he’d just do it already. He surged forward. Her flesh resisted and then gave way. He withdrew slightly and plunged deeper, tearing tender tissue in his enthusiasm to claim her.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Jeezas H Christ, that hurt. Her torn flesh burned so bad, tears flooded her eyes. She gasped brokenly, unable to stop herself from protesting the pain.

Logan pulled his mouth from hers and frowned down at her. She forced the pain not to register on her face and rocked her hips to urge him to thrust. She wasn’t sure if that would ease the sting or intensify it, but if she curled into the fetal position and started sobbing, her one-night stand with Mr. Hot Rock Star would be over before he climaxed.

His lashes fluttered as the rhythm consumed him. “Christ, Toni, your cunt is so fucking tight.”

Oh, he’d noticed. She grabbed a handful of his hair to distract him. “Do me hard, baby,” she said. She’d heard some woman say it on a porno once. It sounded rather ridiculous coming out of her mouth, but Logan didn’t laugh at her.

“You want me to fuck you?” he asked, his voice a hard growl that made her belly quiver.

She nodded.

“Say it.”

“Fuck me, Logan.”

Not her smartest request, she decided, when he dug his fingers into her Copyright 2016 - 2024